This is a portfolio website built using Django 4, Django REST Framework 3, Next.js 13, and Material UI 5. The app uses a PostgreSQL database to store data.
- Prerequisites
- Installation
- Running the application
- Running the tests
- Adding data to the application
- Customizing the application
- Copyright and License
Install the following prerequisites:
- Python 3.8-3.11
This project uses Django v4.2.4. For Django to work, you must install a correct version of Python on your machine. More information here. - Node.js
- PostgreSQL
- Visual Studio Code
From the root directory, run:
cd backend
python -m venv venv
From the backend directory, run:
On macOS:
source venv/bin/activate
On Windows:
From the backend directory, run:
pip install -r requirements.txt
With PostgreSQL up and running, in a new Terminal window, run:
dropdb --if-exists portfolio
Start psql, which is a terminal-based front-end to PostgreSQL, by running the command:
psql postgres
Create a new PostgreSQL database:
Create a new database admin user:
CREATE USER yourusername WITH SUPERUSER PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
To quit psql, run:
From the backend directory, run:
touch config/.env
The touch command will create the .env file in the backend/config directory. This command works on Mac and Linux but not on Windows. If you are a Windows user, instead of using the command line, you can create the .env file manually by navigating in Visual Studio Code to the Explorer, clicking on the config directory (inside the backend directory), and selecting the option New File.
Next, declare environment variables in the .env file. Make sure you don't use quotation marks around the strings.
From the backend directory, run:
python makemigrations
python migrate
From the backend directory, run:
python createsuperuser
When prompted, enter a username, email, and password.
From the root directory, run:
cd frontend
npm install
From the frontend directory, run:
touch .env.development && touch .env.production
The touch command will create the .env.development and .env.production files in the frontend directory. This command works on Mac and Linux but not on Windows. If you are a Windows user, instead of using the command line, you can create the .env.development and .env.production files manually by navigating in Visual Studio Code to the Explorer, clicking on the frontend directory, and selecting the option New File.
Next, declare environment variables in the .env.development file. Make sure you don't use quotation marks around the strings.
To run the application, you need to have both the backend and the frontend up and running.
From the backend directory, run:
python runserver
From the frontend directory, run:
npm run dev
Go to http://localhost:3000/ to view the application.
From the backend directory, run:
python test --pattern=""
From the frontend directory, run:
npm run test
Add data through Django Admin.
Go to to access the Django Admin interface and sign in using the admin credentials.
This section describes how to customize the application.
To modify the title and subtitle of the About section, make changes in the frontend/src/components/About.js
To modify the title and subtitle of the Projects section, make changes in the frontend/src/components/Projects.js
To modify the title and subtitle of the Technologies section, make changes in the frontend/src/components/Technologies.js
To modify the title and subtitle of the Contact section, make changes in the frontend/src/components/Contact.js
To modify the colors in the application, make changes in the frontend/src/theme/theme.js
To modify the fonts in the application, first, add a new font to the frontend/src/pages/_document.js
file, and then make changes in the frontend/src/theme/typography.js
To modify the logo in the application, make changes in the frontend/src/layout/Header.js
and frontend/src/layout/Sidebar.js
To modify the two buttons in the Hero section, make changes in the frontend/src/components/HeroButtons.js
Copyright © 2022 Bob's Programming Academy. Code released under the MIT license.