There is growing concern over increased political polarization across democratic economies, e.g., in the US., UK, France, Italy, Spain, etc. Unfortunately, this polarization has spurred greater division and intolerance among social groups.
Taking the US political groups as the benchmark, we apply the code in the data_analysis section of this repository to investigate the degree of polarization on key policies. Two sets of policies are analyzed, domestic (e.g., abortion, LGBTQ, etc.) and foreign (e.g., China, Russia., ).
- Bor, D., Lee, B. S., & Oughton, E. J. (2023). Quantifying polarization across political groups on key policy issues using sentiment analysis (arXiv:2302.07775). arXiv.
The method utilizes natural language processing tools to compute the sentiment of the tweets from the 117th congress members. The data provides the scores indicating how politically left or right a member is. Five political groups are derived from the GovTrack political scores ranging from Far Left, Center Left, Centrist, Center Right, and Far Right. The tweets are then grouped into a policy category using a filtering algorithm. Finally, an independent t-test model is applied to test for statistical significance at 95% confidence of the mean sentiments across the political groups in each studied policy. This serves as the basis for polarization ranking.
VADER Python package is applied to compute the sentiment values of the tweets. The sentiments towards the investigated policies by the political groups are reported descriptively in figure 2 and figure 3. The polarization ranking is based on the results from the independent t-test.
Download the Twitter dataset from Zenodo using the link below. Copy the data into the data_analysis folder.
Use the data_analysis folder of this repository as the working directory to run the notebooks. The recommended method is using Conda to create and manage the environment and run Jupyter notebooks.
conda env create -f environment.yml
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