An Introduction to Spatial Computing in Python
magnetic field (B), electric field (E), impedance (Z) python routines for dealing with geophysical data
Python-based Space Physics Environment Data Analysis Software
Jupyter Notebook and code to reproduce the Geoelectric Hazard Paper by Lucas et al.
Jupyter Notebook and code to reproduce the Geoelectric Hazard Paper by Lucas et al.
π JavaScript library for mobile-friendly interactive maps πΊπ¦
The unofficial python package that returns response of Google Bard through cookie value.
An introduction to script-based satellite image processing using Python
chrisliti / DSI-FCANS
Forked from AmyRouillard/DSI-FCANSDSI Module 2
YOLOv5 π in PyTorch > ONNX > CoreML > TFLite
Fitting source models to Radio Interferometric visibilities using stochastic gradient descent.
NancyArmah / DSI-FCANS
Forked from AmyRouillard/DSI-FCANSDSI Module 2
This repo is for hosting shared code and documents for the nlp project of dsi program 2022
Object Detection Project as part of a 46 hour challenge in the Africa Data Science Intensive (DSI) program
Simple application that monitors my daily heart and sleep data using fitbit API
DSI Module 2 Twist Challenge: Build a database, regression model and deploy a dashboard
DhasiM / Ubiquant-Market-Prediction
Forked from arnold402/module2DSI-Team 3's Object Detection Module 1 Project Repository. Contains all code, report and resources.