Implementing Deep Q Networks (DQN) from scratch, using pytorch. I wrote a Medium post (Towards Data Science publication) describing my process, learnings, and results:
- I use the Poetry package manager. If you don't already have Poetry installed, see their docs for instructions
( E.g. for a macOS, it just amounts to running
curl -sSL | python -
in terminal. - To install this
repository: git clone it, then navigate to the root directory and runpoetry install
. - To get the Atari envs working, you'll also need to follow these short instructions to download and import the Atari ROMs:
- Test by running unit tests! Run
in the root directory.
I tested this DQN implementation on some classic benchmarks (CartPole and FrozenLake) and some Atari games as well (Pong, Freeway). Here is a summary of the results (check out my Medium post for full details).
(Left) Mean of 10 training runs on CartPole. Error ribbons, indicating 1 standard error, are in red. (Middle) A representative training run, where x-axis is number of env steps, y-axis is mean episode return over 100 evaluation episodes. (Right) Gameplay of a fully trained agent, whose goal is to move the cart so the pole stays balanced without toppling. (Image and gif source: author)
(Left) Mean of 10 training runs on FrozenLake. Error ribbons, indicating 1 standard error, are in red. (Middle) A representative training run, where x-axis is number of env steps, y-axis is mean episode return over 100 evaluation episodes. (Right) Gameplay of a fully trained agent, whose goal is to navigate from the start position S to the goal position G by walking through frozen spaces F without falling into hole spaces H. The catch is that the floor is slippery and the actual step direction can be randomly rotated 90° from the intended direction. The agent’s input direction for every step is indicated at the top of the screen. (Image and gif source: author)
(Top) Three training runs on Pong, where x-axis is number of env steps and y-axis is episode return of a single evaluation episode. (Bottom) Gameplay of fully trained agent (green player), whose goal is to hit the ball past the opponent’s paddle. Here, I added a small amount of stochasticity (10% chance of random action) to show how the agent deals with a more varied range of scenarios. Without the added stochasticity, the agent beats the opponent in a very similar way each time. (Image and gif source: author)
(Top) Three training runs on Freeway, where x-axis is number of env steps and y-axis is episode return of a single evaluation episode. (Bottom) Gameplay of fully trained agent (left-side player), whose goal is to direct the chicken across the road as quickly as possible while avoiding cars. (Image and gif source: author)