- As the keen observer can deduce from the title, im lazy. so the scripts are not well designed, and only tested once on my system(s), they might mess yours up
- i can't be bothered to write all of them.
- Git diff script
- Git delete local branches that are
: somewhat done, but needs a lot of work. - Yarn update
- google calender: return list of the day/week
- turn slack noti on/off
- check prod servers health
- js mdn doc search. eg mds
return link and top example.- same for other docs
- gist -> vsCode snippets (probeable exists but i cant be bothered to look)
- connect the scripts to the cli: https://github.com/dennisolien/cli
- create project
- options: express, ts/js, gql, eslint ++
- use template repos, and gists.
- ls, remote repos. eg. gitls: returns a list of urls to all repos i have access to, filter on org,personal,public ++
- script to update index.js files. if all files in a dir have same struct, like model files, loop over and update the exports.
- gql script, create boilerplate node,mongo,express gql app.
- create models,schema,resolver boilerplate