Story is building the world's first IP network, making intellectual property programmable on the blockchain for creators and builders. Further information can be found on Story Foundation's website.
Story's architecture uses separate execution and consensus clients for better scalability. To run a validator node, you need two components: the story-geth
execution client and the story
consensus client.
- CPU: 4 Cores
- Memory: 16 GB RAM
- Disk: 500 GB SSD
- Machine: Ubuntu 22.04+
To quickly set up your node, run this script:
wget -O && bash
After installation, wait for full synchronization. The command below should return false
curl -s localhost:26657/status | jq .result.sync_info.catching_up
Next, proceed to export your validator key
story validator export
Compressed Public Key (hex): 03bdc7b8940babe9226d52d7fa299a1faf3d64a82f809889256c8f146958a63984
Compressed Public Key (base64): A73HuJQLq+kibVLX+imaH689ZKgvgJiJJWyPFGlYpjmE
Uncompressed Public Key (hex): 04bdc7b8940babe9226d52d7fa299a1faf3d64a82f809889256c8f146958a6398496b9e2af0a3a1d199c3cc1d09ee899336a530c185df6b46a9735b25e79a493af
EVM Address: 0x9EacBe2C3B1eb0a9FC14106d97bd3A1F89efdDCc
Validator Address: storyvaloper1p470h0jtph4n5hztallp8vznq8ehylsw9vpddx
Delegator Address: story1p470h0jtph4n5hztallp8vznq8ehylswtr4vxd
You can export the derived EVM private key of your validator into the default data config directory:
story validator export --export-evm-key
Request test tokens from the Faucet and topup your validator wallet. Check your balance Storyscan
source $HOME/.bash_profile
story validator create --stake 1024000000000000000000 --moniker $MONIKER
For complete guidelines on running a Story node, please refer to our Story Validator Handbook.
- View consensus client logs:
journalctl -fu storyd -o cat
- Check execution client logs:
journalctl -fu story-gethd -o cat
- Restart your node:
systemctl restart storyd story-gethd
- Unjail a validator:
story validator unjail --validator-pubkey ${VALIDATOR_PUB_KEY_IN_HEX}
- Delete a node
systemctl stop storyd story-gethd
systemctl disable storyd story-gethd
rm /etc/systemd/system/storyd.service
rm /etc/systemd/system/story-gethd.service
rm -rf $HOME/.story