A fast Python package specialised on solving banded linear systems
baseline subtraction algorithms including ALS-based (ALS, psalsa and derpsalsa), morphological and wavelet-based
A collection of background subtraction algorithms for spectroscopic data
Home for GSAS-II: crystallographic and diffraction-based structural characterization of materials
Lloyd iteration for generating approximately equally spaced points in a given region
Constrained Lloyd Iteration for distributing 2D points
Sparse matrix tools extending scipy.sparse, but with incompatible licenses
SpectroChemPy is a framework for processing, analyzing and modeling spectroscopic data for chemistry with Python
Intelligent background-correction algorithm for highly fluorescent sample in Raman spectroscopy
baseline correction using adaptive iteratively reweighted Penalized Least Squares
Methods of peak detection for analytical instruments
A Python library of algorithms for the baseline correction of experimental data.
A Python toolbox for pentadiagonal linear systems