ClickSort is a Bukkit plugin which makes it very easy to sort inventories (player/chest/dispenser) with a simple mouse click.
Copy ClickSort.jar into your plugins/ folder. Restart/reload your server. Done.
If you want to build ClickSort yourself, you will need Maven.
Download ClickSort: "git clone"
Build ClickSort. In the top-level directory, type: "mvn clean install"
This should give you a copy of ClickSort.jar under the target/ directory.
To open the project in Eclipse, do one of the following:
- (Recommended) Install the m2e plugin, and import the project (File -> Import -> Existing Maven Project)
- Alternatively use 'mvn eclipse:eclipse' to create the .project and .classpath files.
Detailed documentation is available at bukkitdev:
Clicksort by Des Herriott is licensed under the Gnu GPL v3.