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A Discord to Vanilla Minecraft Chat Gateway


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Connects Discord and Minecraft Servers by sending messages back and forth without any mods or plugins.

In Action



  • Sends message to and from Vanilla Minecraft servers with no plugins or mods
  • Can send messages regarding
    • Advancements
    • Players joining and leaving
    • Player deaths
  • Webhooks for sending messages
  • Allows members with specific roles to send commands to Minecraft through Discord
  • Can be run on a remote machine or locally on the same machine (see IS_LOCAL_FILE in the options below)


Ensure you have Node v16.6+ installed. You can check the version you have installed with node -v in your terminal or command prompt.

Create a Discord bot here:

  • Important: Ensure that the Bot has the Server Members Intent and the Message Content Intent (available on the "Bot" tab in your Application settings)

Then, add the bot to your Discord server using the following link, replace the Client ID with that of your bot.<CLIENT ID>&scope=bot

In your Minecraft, make sure you have the following and restart the server:

rcon.password=<your password>

Clone this repository onto a server, copy config.example.json to config.json. And edit the following config fields:

Set DISCORD_TOKEN to the Discord Bot token that you created.

Set MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_IP, MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PORT, and MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD to the ip, rcon port, and rcon password respectively for your server. ( can be used if Shulker is running on the same server as your Minecraft server)

If you are running Shulker on the same server as your Minecraft server, set IS_LOCAL_FILE to true and update LOCAL_FILE_PATH to the full path to your Minecraft server's latest log file. (ex: minecraft_server/logs/latest.log)

If you want to have Shulker running on a remote server, see Remote below.

With developer mode (Settings > Appearance > Developer Mode) enabled, right click the channel you wish to have Shulker send messages to and click "Copy ID". Set DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID to this value.

Create a webhook in the channel (Right click on channel > Edit Channel > Integrations > Create Webhook or New Webhook), copy it, and set WEBHOOK_URL to this value.

Finally, start Shulker.

npm install
npm run build
npm run start


Details on the config.json file.

    "DEBUG": false, /* Dev debugging */
    "USE_WEBHOOKS": true, /* If you want to use webhooks rather than the Discord bot sending the messages (recommended) */
    "WEBHOOK_URL": "DISCORD_WEBHOOK_URL_HERE", /* Be sure to create a webhook in the channel settings and place it here! */

    "IGNORE_WEBHOOKS": true, /* Ignore any messages that are sent by webhooks. If disabled, then all webhooks but those sent from the configured webhook will be handled as well */

    "DISCORD_TOKEN": "<12345>", /* Discord bot token. [Click here]( to create you application and add a bot to it. */
    "DISCORD_CHANNEL_ID": "<channel>", /* Discord channel ID for for the discord bot. Enable developer mode in your Discord client, then right click channel and select "Copy ID". */
    "DISCORD_MESSAGE_TEMPLATE": "`%username%`:%message%", /* Message template to display in Discord */

    "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_IP": "", /* Minecraft server IP (make sure you have enabled rcon) */
    "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PORT": <1-65535>, /* Minecraft server rcon port */
    "MINECRAFT_SERVER_RCON_PASSWORD": "<your password>", /* Minecraft server rcon password */
    "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE": "[{\"color\": \"white\", \"text\": \"<%username%> %message%\"}]", /* Tellraw template to display in Minecraft */
    "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST": false, /* Minecraft doesn't have the tellraw command (<1.7.2), use say instead. !this may be dangerous! */
    "MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST_SAY_TEMPLATE": "<%username%> %message%", /* used when MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_DOESNT_EXIST is set to true. say template to display on minecraft, same as MINECRAFT_TELLRAW_TEMPLATE. */

    "IS_LOCAL_FILE": true, /* tail the local file specified at `LOCAL_FILE_PATH` */
    "LOCAL_FILE_PATH": "/usr/home/minecraft_server/logs/latest.log", /* the path to the local file if `IS_LOCAL_FILE` is set */
    "FS_WATCH_FILE": false, /* use node's watchFile rather than watch. see FAQ for more details */

    "PORT": 8000, /* Port you want to run the webserver for the hook on */
    "SHOW_INIT_MESSAGE": true, /* Sends the message on boot if not a local file of what command to run */ 

    "ALLOW_USER_MENTIONS": false, /* should replace @mentions with the mention in discord (format: @username#discriminator) */
    "ALLOW_HERE_EVERYONE_MENTIONS": false, /* replaces @everyone and @here with "@ everyone" and "@ here" respectively */
    "ALLOW_SLASH_COMMANDS": false, /* whether to allow users to run slash commands from discord */
    "SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS": [], /* if the above is enabled, the IDs of the roles which can run slash commands. With developer mode enabled, right click each role and "Copy ID". */.
    "WEBHOOK": "/minecraft/hook", /* Web hook, where to send the log to */
    "REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX": "\\[Server thread/INFO\\]:", /* What the lines of the log should start with */
    "REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC": "^<([^>]*)> (.*)", /* What to match for chat (best to leave as default) */
    "REGEX_DEATH_MESSAGE": "^[\w_]+ (died|...)", /* What to match for death messages (best leave this default too) */
    "REGEX_IGNORED_CHAT": "packets too frequently", /* What to ignore, you can put any regex for swear words for example and it will  be ignored */

    "SERVER_NAME": "Shulker", /* The username used when displaying any server information in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : Server message here*/
    "SERVER_IMAGE": "", /* Image for the server when sending such messages (if enabled below). Only for WebHooks. */
    "HEAD_IMAGE_URL": "", /* Url to get the heads for the webhook, %uuid% is replaced with the uuid of the player */
    "UUID_API_URL": "", /* Url to fetch the uuids from. %username% is replaced with the username of the player. expects uuid at top level key `id` (like the mojang api) */
    "DEFAULT_PLAYER_HEAD": "c06f89064c8a49119c29ea1dbd1aab82", /* UUID of player with the default head to use (currently is MHF_Steve) */

    "SHOW_SERVER_STATUS": false, /* Shows when the server turns on and off e.g., Server - Shulker : Server is online */
    "SHOW_PLAYER_CONN_STAT": false, /* Shows player connection status in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine joined the game */
    "SHOW_PLAYER_ADVANCEMENT": false, /* Shows when players earn advancements in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine has made the advacement [MEME - Machine] */
    "SHOW_PLAYER_DEATH": false, /* Shows when players die in chat, e.g., Server - Shulker : TheMachine was blown up by creeper */
    "SHOW_PLAYER_ME": false /* Shows when players use the /me command, e.g. **destruc7i0n** says hello */


  • How do I make this work on a modded server?

    • Try replacing REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX with "\\[Server thread/INFO\\] \\[.*\\]:"
  • Why can't I send commands even if I have the option enabled?

    • Make sure that you have a role on the server which is put in the array SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS.
      • e.g. "SLASH_COMMAND_ROLES_IDS": ["<role id>"]
  • I am using a local file and no messages are being sent!

    • Enable DEBUG in the config to check for any errors.
    • If you are on Windows, try enabling FS_WATCH_FILE.

Remote Setup

Perform the following command on the server hosting the Minecraft server (in a screen/tmux session or background process, make sure to replace your YOUR_URL with whatever URL you're using (localhost:8000 if running on the same server and default config) and PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL with the path to the Minecraft server installation, such as /usr/home/minecraft_server/):

tail -F /PATH_TO_MINECRAFT_SERVER_INSTALL/logs/latest.log | grep --line-buffered ": <" | while read x ; do echo -ne $x | curl -X POST -d @- http://YOUR_URL/minecraft/hook ; done

(The above command will also be given to you if you are not using a local file when you first start up Shulker)

Upgrade Instructions

From version 2 to version 3:

  • The main change is that you need to split your REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC to both REGEX_MATCH_CHAT_MC and REGEX_SERVER_PREFIX. See the configuration above for details.




If you have any suggestions or feature requests, feel free to add an issue and I will take a look.

