Magnificent app which corrects your previous console command.
Python generation script for BitBirds
The final version of the AI designed keyboard layout
List of projects that provide terminal user interfaces
A command-line utility for taking automated screenshots of websites
Template repository for setting up shot-scraper
Composable transformations of Python+NumPy programs: differentiate, vectorize, JIT to GPU/TPU, and more
a collection of Blender addons to make CAD design with Blender even more enjoyable
A community-maintained Python framework for creating mathematical animations.
detrading / vital
Forked from mtytel/vitalSpectral warping wavetable synth
Performant financial charts built with HTML5 canvas
Arduino Library for Small Thermal Printers
detrading / phomemo_m02s
Forked from theacodes/phomemo_m02sPython library for the Phomemo m02s bluetooth thermal printer
Rich is a Python library for rich text and beautiful formatting in the terminal.
🎮 ⌨ An easy to use tool to change the behaviour of your input devices.
Browse Hacker News like a haxor: A Hacker News command line interface (CLI).
UI for deploying NFT contracts and minting NFTs
A Selenium Python bot to automatically and bulk upload/ mint and list your NFTs on OpenSea. All metadata compatible, Ethereum and Polygon blockchains supported, reCAPTCHA solvers included.
This repo is an example of how to mint an a nft with ipfs
A serialization format for various persistent Vulkan object types.
detrading / Time-Series-Data-Visualization
Forked from shravanikasarla/Time-Series-Data-VisualizationVisualize the Time Series Data Make the time series data stationary Plot the Correlation and AutoCorrelation Charts Construct the ARIMA Model or Seasonal ARIMA based on the data Use the model to ma…
Explores cross-correlation between time series of internet search term frequency and subsequent stock losses.
detrading / weird
Forked from inconvergent/weirdGenerative art in Common Lisp
detrading / php-gateio-api
Forked from skyfile/ 交易所 REST API 封装
Python library for interacting with the Apple Push Notification service (APNs)