This project was made by Moshiur Rahman with React JS.
Mainly I have used these as my coding:
1. HTML, CSS,SASS, ReactJS,Redux Toolkit, JavaScript for Front-end
2. NodeJS with ExpressJS for Server Site
2. MongoDB for Database
In the project directory, you will find these feature:
1. Fully Responsive
2. Admin page
3. Login & Register page using jwt
**4. Home, FAQ's, Contact , Admin Page . The home page has Navbar, A real stick Footer . **
5. Users can search result,filter result and download PDF result sheets.Admin can publish result
filling forms.
6. Results are generated according to the standard academic grading system of Bangladesh. \
1. Github Client Side Repository
2. Github Server Side Repository
3. Live Website
This application acknowledge the hard work and contribution of the following third party libraries or framework or icon or packages.
We used and take inspiration from the following third party libraries/framework.
1. jsPDF - jsPDF
2. Material icons - Material icons \