A library to collect tweets, clean it (pre-processing), translate it, and create analytics with Textblob and VADER methods.
- Python 3.6+
pip install feelingtweets
Unfortunately, this library requires some experimental versions of twint, you should install with this cmd:
pip3 install --upgrade git+https://github.com/twintproject/twint.git#egg=twint
import feelingtweets as ft
config = Config(input_collect_language="es")
collector = ft.TweetCollector(config)
cleaner = ft.Cleaner(config)
traductor = ft.Traductor(config)
analizer = ft.Analizer()
# Twitter API search
search = "(ECUADOR OR TRI OR FEF) AND (FUTBOL OR FÚTBOL OR partido OR selección OR seleccion OR copa OR mundial)"
query = ft.Query(search, date_start="2021-09-06", limit_tweets=100)
# collecting phase
collected_data = collector.collect(query, True)
# pre-processing phase
cleaned_data = cleaner.clean(collected_data, True)
# translateting phase
translate_data = traductor.traduce(cleaned_data, True)
if translate_data is not None:
# analize with both methods
analized_data = analizer.analize(translate_data["traduced"])
# standard pandas DataFrame with text, texblob_score, vader_score
# analize with textblob method
analized_data = analizer.analize_with_textblob(translate_data["traduced"])
# standard pandas DataFrame with text, score
# analize with VADER method
analized_data = analizer.analize_with_vader(translate_data["traduced"])
# standard pandas DataFrame with text, score
This project has made for educational purposes, to practice about data mining techniques and get some useful experience on Python, and libs related to data science.