Custom toast messages.
- You can create customizable toast messages with FBToast.
- Use FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT or FBToast.LENGTH_LONG for toast display duration.
- You can use Gravity.BOTTOM, Gravity.TOP, Gravity.LEFT or Gravity.RIGHT for toast position on screen.
FBToast.nativeToast(MainActivity.this,"This is Native Toast",FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT);
FBToast.successToast(MainActivity.this,"This is Success Toast",FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT);
FBToast.warningToast(MainActivity.this,"This is Warning Toast",FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT);
FBToast.errorToast(MainActivity.this,"This is Error Toast",FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT);
FBToast.infoToast(MainActivity.this,"This is Info Toast",FBToast.LENGTH_SHORT);
FBCustomToast fbCustomToast = new FBCustomToast(MainActivity.this);
fbCustomToast.setMsg("This is Custom Toast");
Step 1. Add the JitPack repository to your build file.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
Step 2. Add the dependency
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.NaimishTrivedi:FBToast:1.0'