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Dapi on OpenShift

This is Dapi - the DevAssistant Package Index.

It's Django app running on OpenShift using Python 2.7 and PostgreSQL 9.2 cartridges.

Running on localhost

If you want to run this on localhost for testing a development, follow those steps:

  1. Install python, pip, virtualenv and sqlite3 (in case you don't have it already)
  2. Clone the repo
  3. Open shell in the repo and run:
virtualenv venv
. venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements-local.txt
cd wsgi/
python syncdb --noinput
python migrate
python schemamigration dapi --initial
python migrate dapi
mkdir upload
echo GITHUB-API-ID > github # see section Github tokens
echo GITHUB-API-SECRET >> github
python runserver

Keep the shell opened. Go to the URL that runserver tells you to go to, log in with Fedora or Github. Go back to the shell. Exit the server with Ctrl+C.

To make you an administrator:

python shell << EOM
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(pk=1)
u.is_superuser = True
u.is_staff = True

Use python runserver to run again. To deactivate your virtualenv environment, run deactivate.

To run the app next time, just open a shell in the cloned repo and run:

. venv/bin/activate
python wsgi/ runserver


If you want to deploy this on OpenShift, follow those steps:

  1. Create Python 2.7 app on OpenShift (via web or rhc)
  2. Add PostgreSQL cartridge (via web or rhc)
  3. Clone this repository
  4. git remote add upstream -m master OPENSHIFT-GIT-URL # something like ssh://[email protected]/~/git/app.git/
  5. Don't forget to update with your e-mail address, ALLOWED_HOSTS and SITE_URL.
  6. git push openshift devel:master - replace devel with your local branch if necessary
  7. ssh to the OpenShift app and run the following:
cd app-root/repo/wsgi/
python syncdb --noinput
python migrate
python schemamigration dapi --initial
python migrate dapi
cp -r dapi/migrations ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}
mkdir ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}upload
echo GITHUB-API-ID > ${OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR}github # see section Github tokens

Keep the ssh shell opened. Go to http://website.url/, log in with Fedora or Github. Go back to ssh shell.

To make you an administrator:

python shell << EOM
from django.contrib.auth.models import User
u = User.objects.get(pk=1) # or use (username=<username>) to be sure
u.is_superuser = True
u.is_staff = True

Github tokens

Create a Github app as described in python-socail-auth docs.

Save Client ID and Client Secret to a simple plaintext file (first line ID, second line secret) and save it as github. On localhost, save the file to wsgi/, on Openshift, save the file to $OPENSHIFT_DATA_DIR. Use different key/secret combo for localhost and for Openshift. In the above doc those keys are referenced with GITHUB-API-ID and GITHUB-API-SECRET.