Dear dev buddy, it's important to us to explain why we ask you to do this code test:
- You help us and yourself to assess your level of coding skills and find the right position for you
- We can pass it along in your introduction, which drastically increases your chances to be invited for an interview. The dev teams can review your code and get a first real impression
- Your own your code! You can use it to pimp you github profile and to send it along for any companies you approach yourself
- Last, we hope it will be fun!
Bowling Challenge
- Please clone this repository in GitHub (or similar) and invite us, so that we can follow your progress.
- You can make use of any language, framework or library you want. Just use what you think represents your skillset n the best way.
- Remember that we are more interested how you approach this problem than completing all the features (if you don't have enough time explain how you would progress).
Minimum (keep in mind the optional requirements):
- Implement a scoring system for a bowling game according to these rules:
- A game consists of 10 frames.
- In general each frame has 2 rolls.
- In general a player scores the number of pins knocked down.
- If the player knocks down all 10 pins on the first roll it’s a strike. The player scores 10 plus the number of pins knocked down in the next two rolls.
- If the player knocks down all 10 pins in two rolls it’s a spare. The player scores 10 plus the number of pins knocked down in the next roll.
- Simple visualisation of the game.
- Add support for the last frame in the game:
- The player gets additional rolls in the last frame: one additional for a spare after the second roll or two extra rolls for a strike.
- Create a method that randomly throws a roll (one roll is 1-10 pins knocked down), and progresses the scoring.
- Support multiple players.
- Or anything fun you can think of :)
Good luck & have fun
Your team :)