react Public
Forked from typescript-cheatsheets/reactCheatsheets for experienced React developers getting started with TypeScript
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2020 -
graphql-express-postgres Public
Forked from matt-sm/graphql-express-postgresA reference graphql api.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 23, 2020 -
jvm-bloggers Public
Forked from jvm-bloggers/jvm-bloggersJVM Bloggers - website and newsletter with JVM blogs from Poland
CSS MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2020 -
aqueduct Public
Forked from stablekernel/aqueductDart HTTP server framework for building REST APIs. Includes PostgreSQL ORM and OAuth2 provider.
Dart BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedSep 13, 2020 -
wildfly-core Public
Forked from wildfly/wildfly-coreThe core runtime that is used by the WildFly application server
Java GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1 UpdatedJul 17, 2020 -
what-do-you-call-this-in-javascript Public
Forked from rstacruz/what-do-you-call-this-in-javascriptUpdatedJun 9, 2020 -
aqueduct_examples Public
Forked from stablekernel/aqueduct_examplesExamples of using Aqueduct, Flutter, Angular2, etc.
Dart UpdatedMay 30, 2020 -
netty Public
Forked from netty/nettyNetty project - an event-driven asynchronous network application framework
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 20, 2020 -
fastjson Public
Forked from alibaba/fastjsonA fast JSON parser/generator for Java.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 19, 2020 -
Spring-boot-unit-testing-cheatsheet Public
Forked from harsh3105/Spring-boot-unit-testing-cheatsheetUpdatedMay 13, 2020 -
Hystrix Public
Forked from Netflix/HystrixHystrix is a latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services and 3rd party libraries, stop cascading failure and enable resilience in complex di…
Java UpdatedMay 12, 2020 -
javapoet Public
Forked from square/javapoetA Java API for generating .java source files.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 12, 2020 -
EventBus Public
Forked from greenrobot/EventBusEvent bus for Android and Java that simplifies communication between Activities, Fragments, Threads, Services, etc. Less code, better quality.
Java Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 4, 2020 -
HackerRank_solutions Public
Forked from RodneyShag/HackerRank_solutions317 efficient solutions to HackerRank problems
Java MIT License UpdatedFeb 25, 2020 -
DockerPHPTutorial Public
Forked from kadnan/DockerPHPTutorialStep by Step Tutorial to run a PHP/MySQL website inside docker
PHP MIT License UpdatedMay 2, 2019 -
Material-Animations Public
Forked from lgvalle/Material-AnimationsAndroid Transition animations explanation with examples.
Java MIT License UpdatedApr 2, 2019 -
activemq-artemis-examples Public
Forked from kodtodya/activemq-artemis-examplesRedHat AMQ-7(Apache ActiveMQ-Artemis) Client Examples
Python UpdatedMar 31, 2019 -
graphql-live-time-series Public
Forked from wawhal/graphql-live-time-seriesJavaScript UpdatedMar 22, 2019 -
websocket_simple Public
Forked from jaguar-examples/websocket_simpleA simple example showcasing websockets
Dart UpdatedAug 22, 2018 -
remote-jms-example Public
Forked from stefangrossmann/remote-jms-exampleJava Do What The F*ck You Want To Public License UpdatedJun 12, 2018 -
arquillian-ear Public
Forked from nuzayats/arquillian-earArquillian EJB-JAR/EAR testing example
Java UpdatedNov 25, 2017 -
bean-validation-examples Public
Forked from nuzayats/bean-validation-examplesBean Validation Examples
Java UpdatedNov 12, 2016