- Pune
Parse the gpmd stream for GOPRO moov track (MP4) and extract the GPS info into a GPX (and kml) file.
Single-file executable tool for working with PMTiles archives
Worldwide building footprints derived from satellite imagery
roelderickx / ogr2osm
Forked from pnorman/ogr2osmA tool for converting ogr-readable files like shapefiles into .pbf or .osm data
A tool for git, helping to visualize complex branch structure.
crccheck / us-address-parser
Forked from datamade/usaddressUS address parsing
Achived - See GitLab repository for current development
A topographic map from OpenStreetMap and SRTM data
A library for building rich, web-based geospatial data platforms.
GeoRSS to GeoJSON with metadata rescue for data from Bhuvan
Collection of experimental and random code for GIS applications (e.g. sandbox)
Add time dimension capabilities on a Leaflet map.
sverhoeven / docker-cartodb
Forked from fleu42/docker-cartodbDockerized CartoDB
Reporting time logged per user and not just by project
Simple tool to copy folders from one IMAP server to another server.
Postgis extensions for laravel. Aims to make it easy to work with geometries from laravel models.
📚 Freely available programming books
Visualization to view village census data for Maharashtra on web maps
CircleProgress, DonutProgress, ArcProgress
[Deprecated] Instant News. On Your Fingertips
A collection of add-ons for the Android Google Maps API v2 framework.
A QGIS plugin to create a working leaflet based webmap from it