This Ansible playbook configures a server for use as a video control room with OBS.
The system is controlled remotely through No Machine.
Since our server has an IPMI KVM graphics card that is limited to 1024x768, and nobody is going to look at the screen in the datacenter anyway, we're using Xvfb as the X Server.
Ingest RTMP sinks and preview sources are implemented through NGINX with the nginx-rtmp-module.
We're using CodiMD as a pad software:
- To allow participants ask questions about a talk. We felt this is much easier to manage than a live chat stream.
- Curate some additional information for participants.
- As an internal tool for organizing the event.
- For producing the intermission slide show. CodiMD allows you to create a document that can be shown as a slide show, including background images. The intermission slides were created this way, including the "up next" slide, which we edited during the event. In OBS, we added this as a browser source together with some music.
- Install Ruby, for example with
\curl -sSL | bash -s stable --ruby
rvm install 2.6.3
- Create a
with this contents:
gem: --no-document
- Install necessary Ruby Gems:
bundle install --path vendor/bundle
- Install necessary Python environment:
pipenv --python 3
pipenv install
pipenv shell
bundle exec kitchen converge
bundle exec kitchen verify
ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml playbook.yml
Some tasks are much easier to accomplish manually than through Ansible. After (initial) deployment, the following steps need to be performed:
- The Mumble Super User password is in
. Look for a line like1 => Password for 'SuperUser' set to '7vXwPJcUixZE'
. - Any OBS setup will need to be imported.
- CodiMD users need to be created. CodiMD is configured to not allow self-registration, and the default rights are set so that only users can create new notes (pads). Use
docker-compose exec codimd bin/manage_users
to create users and set their initial password.
The document (German) has some notes the directors used during the event.
The No Machine server is configured to authenticate users through SSH keys.
The No Machine client does not understand private key files in the OpenSSH format, only ones in PEM format. Use the following command to create one in the correct format:
ssh-keygen -m PEM -b 4096 -f roles/devday-regie/files/devday
We've had problems with the RTMP streams: sometimes the OBS-builtin VLC RTMP client would have trouble re-establishing the stream after it was stopped; this included no stream at all, or garbled or missing video.
It seems that nginx-rtmp-module is not maintained anymore; there are close to 3000 forks of that repo. Some research into a better maintained version likely would be helpful with this.
In one instance, the speaker was not sending audio with his stream. We were receiving his video, and he confirmed that his OBS audio meter was showing a signal, but he had played with the advanced audio settings and has disabled sending his audio to the stream. In OBS, you get to see the next scene in the preview, but there doesn't seem to be a way to get any information about audio until it's part of the program output. If we'd do this again, we would try to get a (separate) RTMP viewer up and running alongside OBS that would show us the ingest video and allow monitoring the audio. Alternatively, if OBS could be extended to also show audio sources for the preview in the audio meter section, that would be super helpful.
The Docker Compose configuration in roles/devday-regie/files/compose/docker-compose.yml
uses a Traefik config with a domain name of
. This allows you to run a test setup right out of that directy. On deployment to the production host with Ansible, the domain is replaced with the production value. The kitchen setup replaces the domain with one that can be reached from the host machine.