9jaPoll is a platform where citizens would be able to get familiar with the aspirants contesting for various political offices. In simpler terms it is a website where people can view the profiles of those candidates contesting for executive offices or any key ranking posts in the country. People registered on the site can also create posts about topics related to election and leave comments
Design was done using figma. Here is the figma link https://www.figma.com/file/Z1wEEC1kCuFAxLtXv5MHo1/Web-version?node-id=0%3A1
- Fork the repository
- Clone and then open it up on your code editor
- Open terminal and set upstream branch: git remote add upstream https://github.com/zuri-training/9jaPoll-fe-pjt-100.git
- Pull upstream: git pull upstream develop
- Create a new branch for the task your are doing eg: git checkout -b home-page
- After making changes, do: git add .
- Commit your changes with a descriptive commit message: commit -m "commit message"
- To make sure there are no conflicts: git pull upstream develop
- Push changes to your new branch: git push origin current-branch-name
- Create a pull request to the develop branch
- Wait for your requests to be reviewed and merged.