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Learning Rust Part 2: Output an Image

📚 Series: Part 1 - Part 2 - Part 3 - Part 4 - Part 5

In this session our goal is to write an image file with some colored pixels. It seems that we need to be able to do at least the following:

  • Loop over some pixels in an x-y coordinate system
  • Assing some color to each pixel
  • Write all this information to a file in some format.

In the book everything is written in PPM format to stdout and piped to a text file. It is a good starting point, but let's set some additional goals:

  • Write the information to an image buffer instead of stdout
  • Write the buffer to a PNG file
    • To achieve this, we should import some image library using the package manager.

Writing to stdout

The hello program already printed stuff to stdout using the println! macro, but we can also output variable values:

fn main() {
    let name = "J. Random User";
    println!("Hello, {}!", name);


Hello, J. Random User!


The Rust language contains three ways of iterating: loop, while and for. Note that according to the docs, loop should be used instead of the while true expression common in other languages.

The for loop is most suitable for our purpose, as we know the width and height of the image we are trying to produce. The syntax is a bit different from C-style for loops, and looks more akin to a foreach statement in C#:

fn main() {
    for x in 0..5 {
        println!("{}", x);

Running the program we get the following output:

PS D:\RustProjects\output-image> cargo run

💡 Note: If you want to include the last number, the expression should be written as for x in 1..=5.

PPM Image Format

Now we have all the pieces to translate the C++ example code to Rust and output our first image file. First, the header part:

fn main() {
    const IMAGE_WIDTH: i32 = 256;
    const IMAGE_HEIGHT: i32 = 256;

    println!("P3\n{} {}\n255", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

    // TODO: Add the for loops

Then, the for loops. In the example the outer loop iterates backwards, so we need to add the .rev() for the range:

    for j in (0..IMAGE_HEIGHT).rev() {
        for i in 0..IMAGE_WIDTH {
            // TODO: Output pixels

And finally the pixel color values. Here we need to do a bit more typecasting than with the C++ code, as Rust doesn't allow division between double and integer values. The final program looks like this:

fn main() {
    const IMAGE_WIDTH: i32 = 256;
    const IMAGE_HEIGHT: i32 = 256;

    println!("P3\n{} {}\n255", IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

    for j in (0..IMAGE_HEIGHT).rev() {
        for i in 0..IMAGE_WIDTH {
            let r = i as f64 / (IMAGE_WIDTH-1) as f64;
            let g = j as f64 / (IMAGE_HEIGHT-1) as f64;
            let b = 0.25;

            let ir = (255.99 * r) as u8;
            let ig = (255.99 * g) as u8;
            let ib = (255.99 * b) as u8;

            println!("{} {} {}", ir, ig, ib);

Redirecting the output to a file, we get a PPM image file weighing in at 1.46 MB. The file can viewed e.g. with an online viewer.

PS D:\RustProjects\output-image> cargo run > image.ppm


💡 Note: The default types are i32 for integers and f64 for floats.

Error output

To track a long running render, let's add progress reporting. Similar to the println! macro, Rust provides a eprintln! mactro which directs the output to the error output stream.

    for j in (0..IMAGE_HEIGHT).rev() {
        eprintln!("Scanlines remaining: {}", j);
        for i in 0..IMAGE_WIDTH {

Now we a are done with chapter 2. However, there's still room for improvement before moving on to the next chapter.

PNG output

PPM is a pretty awful image format. Instead it would be cool to store the output directly as a PNG file. The Rust package registry contains a lot of packages for image processing, so I'll select the most obvious one called image.

Add the package with its version to the Cargo.toml file:

image = "0.23.7"

Then, import the package with use image.

use image;

fn main() {
    // These constants must be re-typed as u32 for the image buffer.
    const IMAGE_WIDTH: u32 = 256;
    const IMAGE_HEIGHT: u32 = 256;

    // The buffer variable must be marked mutable (mut), as we are going to alter the values 
    // in our for loops.
    let mut buffer: image::RgbImage = image::ImageBuffer::new(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

💡 Note: Older code examples often mention extern crate, but in Rust 2018 it should no longer be required.

Prettier imports

Writing the module name all the time (e.g. image::RgbImage) gets old real quick. There is a convenient way to shorten this by modifying the use expression a bit:

use image::{RgbImage, ImageBuffer, Rgb};

fn main() {

    const IMAGE_WIDTH: u32 = 256;
    const IMAGE_HEIGHT: u32 = 256;

    let mut buffer: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

That's better.

Final program

Now all we need to do is iterate over all the pixels in the image buffer, set the color value as before, and save to a file:

use image::{RgbImage, ImageBuffer, Rgb};

fn main() {

    const IMAGE_WIDTH: u32 = 256;
    const IMAGE_HEIGHT: u32 = 256;

    let mut buffer: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(IMAGE_WIDTH, IMAGE_HEIGHT);

    for (x, z, y, pixel) in buffer.enumerate_pixels_mut(){
        let r = x as f64 / (IMAGE_WIDTH-1) as f64;
        let g = y as f64 / (IMAGE_HEIGHT-1) as f64;
        let b = 0.25;

        let ir = (255.999 * r) as u8;
        let ig = (255.999 * g) as u8;
        let ib = (255.999 * b) as u8;

        *pixel = Rgb([ir, ig, ib]);

There's a lot of stuff to process here.

  • First, we're using a Tuple with 3 elements in the for loop (x-coordinate, y-coordinate and reference to the pixel itself). Now this seems really useful! Who said we were dealing with a low level language?
  • Then, we dereference the value of pixel and assign a new Rgb struct to it.
  • Finally, we unwrap() the result of the save("filename") operation. If the save operation would fail, the program would panic in a not-so-pretty way.

Error handling

Unwrapping should be OK if the result is never an error, but writing to a file can always fail. Let's write either "Done" or our own error message depending on the result:

    match"image.png") {
        Err(e) => eprintln!("Error writing file: {}", e),
        Ok(()) => println!("Done."),

And now we are finally done. In the next session we'll create some vectors.


Learning Rust Part 2: Output an Image






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