Coding Resources - How to learn xyz
- Python
- Machine Learning
- Deep Learning
- Android Development
- Backend Development
- Frontend Web Development
- Full-stack Web Development
- Data Structures ๐
- Alexa Tutorials
- C Language
- C++ Language
- Git and Github
- R Language
- Haskell
- MongoDB
- Prolog
- C# Language
- DevDocs
- Docker
- Microsoft Technologies
- Scala
- Programming Notes for Professionals
- MATLAB/Octave
- Go Language
- Are you just getting started? Look for the ๐ถ emoji. It highlights resources for absolute beginners.
- Some resources are recommended for everyone, so they have a โญ emoji.
- Willing to spend some money to improve your skills? ๐ฒ indicates paid content.
- Learn Python | CodeAcademy
- Progate Python Classes ๐ถ
- Video Tutorial for absolute beginners | YouTube ๐ถ
- Intro to Python | Udacity ๐
- Python For Everybody
- Write Better Python Functions
- Learning Python: From Zero to Hero
- Automate the Boring Stuff with Python - Recommended
- The New Boston Python | Youtube ๐ถ
- Think Python 2e - Green Tea Press
- A Byte of Python
- Project Euler - Great for practicing writing Python codes
- A Whirlwind Tour of Python
- Python Data Science Handbook
- Python Class By Google - Recommended
- Intro to Python for Data Science
- Python 3 for humans that want practical project exposure
- Learn Python the Hard Way
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Best Online Courses
- CSE-229 - Stanford University
- AndrewNg | Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning - Nanodegree | Udacity ๐ฒ
- Reinforcement Learning - Nanodegree | Udacity ๐ฒ
- Move 37 - ๐
- ML with Python | YouTube
- Data Science Machine Learning Bootcamp - ๐ฒ
- Machine Learning Crash Course | Google Developers
- Applied Data Science with Python Specialization | Coursera -Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Machine Learning | Kaggle
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
Research Papers
Test ML Models on Datasets
Book for Machine Learning
Browse this link for detailed information on Machine Learning and Deep Learning
Best Online Courses
- Deep Learning Specialization | Coursera - Select individual course if it consists of multiple then click on audit below the trial/payment options
- Deep Learning | Fast.AI
- Deep Learning | Kaggle
Best Online Books
Best GitHub Repositories to follow
- Free courses & Nanodegree | Udacity
- PluralSight - Android Developer Track ๐ฒ
- Path to Associate Android Developer
- Google Android Codelabs
- Flutter Widget Tour
- Android examples
- Flutter Examples
Django - Python
Flask - Python
- The Flask Mega Tutorial ๐ถ + Intermediate
- NodeSchool | Workshops Open Source โค๏ธ
- The Complete Node.js Developer Course | Udemy ๐ฒ
- Express web framework (Node.js/JavaScript)
- Learn and Understand NodeJS ๐ฒ - Intermediate
- Node JS Tutorial for Beginners | YouTube ๐ถ
- Node.js Documentation โญ
- Node.js Design Patterns by Mario Casciaro - Book Advanced level
- [Node.js API Design] (https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLzQWIQOqeUSMzMUEJA0XrOxJbX8WTiCJV)
- Node.js handbook by Flavio Copes - ๐ถ
- Mixu's Node book
- What You Need To Know About Node.js (Email address requested, not required. By Packt)
- Express.js - Production Security Best Practices
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial
- Learn Ruby The Hard Way
- Learn Ruby | Codecademy - Familiarity with Ruby before Rails
- Learn Ruby, Dev Concept and More | Upskills with Upcase - Familiarity with ruby and coding concepts
- SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free! ๐ถ
- Ruby Tapas - Short, Focused Screencasts covering Intermediate to Advanced Ruby concepts and techniques, design principles, testing practices, refactoring, etc.
- Why's (Poignant) Guide to Ruby
- RailsCasts - Video tutorials on more intermediate Ruby on Rails topics.
- Ruby on Rails Tutorial - Learn Web Development with Rails
Software architecture
Frontend Masters ๐ฒ
General Assembly Dash FREE (General Assembly Dash currently works best in Microsoft Edge as of 10-2018)
HTML5 and CSS3
- HTML and CSS Tutorials | w3schools.com ๐ถ
- Intro to HTML/CSS: Making webpages
- Intro to HTML and CSS | Udacity
- Write quicker HTML5 and CSS 3 | Learn Code Online
- Flexbox Interactive
- freeCodeCamp
- HTML & CSS Catalog | Codecademy
- Interneting is Hard
- HTML MDN Web Docs
- CSS MDN Web Docs
- Codrops CSS Reference
- The Odin Project
- HTML Dog Tutorials
- 30 Seconds of CSS
- CSS Grid
- CSS Flexbox | Wes Bos
- CSS-The Complete Guide (incl. Flexbox, Grid & Sass) (Udemy Paid) Good for beginners
- Advanced CSS and SASS - (Udemy Paid)
- flexbox cheatsheet
- Flexbox Froggy | CSS Learning Game
- Flexbox Zombies
- CSS Reference: A Visual CSS Cheat Sheet Good for beginners
- HTML Reference: A Visual HTML Cheat Sheet Good for beginners
- Learn to Code HTML & CSS: Shay Howe
- BitDegree-Learn HTML
- BitDegree-Learn CSS
- Bootstrap4 Course with Projects | Learn Code Online
- BitDegree-BootStrap 4
- [Bootstrap4 Tutorial for beginners] (https://www.quackit.com/bootstrap/bootstrap_4/tutorial/)
- [Bootstrap4 blog top] (https://coursetro.com/posts/code/130/Learn-Bootstrap-4-Final-in-2018-with-our-Free-Crash-Course)
- [Bootstrap4 Documentation] (https://getbootstrap.com/docs/4.1/getting-started/introduction/)
- JS MDN Web Docs
- javascript info
- Javascript30 | Wes Bos
- Intro to JavaScript | Udacity
- JavaScript Docs and Live examples
- JavaScript: Mostly Adequate Guide to Functional Programming
- JavaScript: The Good Parts by Douglas Crockford โญ ๐ฒ
- You Donโt Know JS (book series) โญ
- Eloquent JavaScript Online
- JavaScript Design Patterns | Udacity
- Theodinproject
- Introduction to JavaScript | freeCodeCamp
- HTML Dog
- Javascript Tutorial for Beginner Complete Course 2018 | YouTube
- 33 JS concepts every JavaScript developer should know
- 30 Seconds of Code
- example.js | js by example | CodePen
- Foundations of Programming in JavaScript ๐ถ
- Learning JavaScript Design Patterns
- BitDegree-JS Basics
- Wes Bos list of courses
- freeCodeCamp
- SoloLearn: Learn to Code for Free! ๐ถ
- ES6 Cheatsheet
- RegexOne | Regular Expression course
JavaScript Frameworks
- Angular 7 - The Complete Guide by Maximilian Schwarzmรผller | Udemy ๐ฒ
- The Complete Angular Course: Beginner to Advanced by Mosh Hamedani | Udemy - ๐ฒ
- Angular Expo - Beautiful showcase of websites, applications and experiments using Angular
- Made With Angular - Gallery of inspiring websites using Angular/AngularJS
- Learn Angular 7 in 50 minutes - A free beginner's crash course ๐ถ
- Build your first Angular app - 33 interactive screencasts to take you from beginner to advanced
- React JS - Conference Videos
- Video Tutorials - Beginner to Intermediate | YouTube
- Complete React Tutorial (& Redux) | YouTube
- ReactJS Tutorial | Codecademy - Interactive
- FreeCodeCamp Articles
- Few Projects for every React Dev
- Famous GitHub Repos
- React 16 - The Complete Guide (incl. React Router 4 & Redux) ๐ฒ - Worth it
- Hello World | React.js Org
- The Road to React | Book
- React For Beginners | Wes Bos ๐ฒ
- Advanced React | Wes Bos ๐ฒ
- React Fundamentals | Tyler McGinnis ๐ฒ
- Modern React with Redux | Udemy ๐ฒ
React Native
Web Accessibility
Frontend DevTools
Online Platforms
- CodeChef - CodeChef competitive programming site
- CodeSignal - (formerly CodeFights)Fun gaming approach to Coding contests and Interview practices.
- Codeforces - Great site for preparing for programming contests
- GeeksforGeeks - Must do coding questions for product based companies
- Hackerearth - Code Monk to start with programming - programming fundamentals
- Hackerrank - Interview preparation kit
- InterviewBit - Best platform to get prepared for Data Structures based interviews
- LeetCode - Platform to prepare for technical interviews with real interview questions
- Sphere Online Judge - Great head start for learning Data Structures
- UVa Online Judge - The site to submit Competitive Programming 3 data structures problems
- Codewars - Interesting ranking system with beautiful UI for competitive programming and interview prep.
- CodinGame - Competitive programming with game like challenges
- CS50 on HarvardX - One of the best computer science courses available online (:heavy_dollar_sign: for certification)
- Codility - Develop your coding skills with lessons to take part in challenges
- Zen of Programming - A frequently updated blog great for beginners and simplified references.
Tutorials & Practice
- Visual Algo - Understanding DS & Algo through animations.
- E-maxx - Russian version of popular e-maxx, An excellent set of study material for DS & ALgo. English version of e-maxx. (Translation is almost complete)
- All Good Tutorials on Codeforces - All of the best tutorials on Codeforces all at one place.
- DS & Algo + Maths + C++ - Another set of good compilation of resources to study.
- Data Structures and Algorithms - Another set of good compilation of resources to learn and practice. This one is done by Codechef.
- Problem Topics - Topic-wise list of problems.
- Cracking the Coding Interview
- Excercism - Code practice and mentorship.
- Leet Code
- Competitive Programming by Felix Halim and Steven Halim
- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Programming Contests - Goto book for competitive programming enthusiasts.
- CLRS - Holy Bible for Design and Analysis of algorithms
- Algorithm Design by Kleinberg Tardos - Another goto book for easy to understand algorithm design and analysis
- Coding Interview University - Github - Strongly recommended to learn DS and Computer Science fundamentals
- Algo & DS in different languages - Algorithm and Data Structure in different programming languages
- Clean code - Clean Code: A Handbook of Agile Software Craftsmanship ๐ฒ
- Domain Driven Design - Domain-Driven Design: Tackling Complexity in the Heart of Software 1st Edition ๐ฒ
- Learn Alexa | Codecademy
- Fact Skill Tutorial - Build an Alexa Skill in 6 Steps | Amazon
- Comprehensive Alexa Skill Development course | Udemy ๐ฒ
- Building Alexa Skills from Scratch | YouTube
- Developing Alexa Skills for Amazon Echo | PluralSight ๐ฒ (Free 10-day trial)
- Alexa Skills Development | Qwiklabs
- HackerRank
- Programiz
- Hackr.Io
- Learn C ++
- Fluent CPP
- C++ Class | Google for Education
- Tutorials Point
- GeeksForGeeks
- C++ For Programmers | Udacity
- Git Tutorials
- How to use Git and Github | Udacity
- Version Control with Git | Udacity
- Introduction to Git and Github | YouTube
- Pro Git Book
- LearnGitBranching
- GIT PURR! Git Commands Explained with Cats!
- git - the simple guide
- GIT: A Visual Git Reference
- Mastering Git by thoughtbot
- Git - Progate - Recommended
- Intoduction to Git for DataScience
- RStudio
- Kaggle Kernels
- R-Bloggers
- Introduction to Data Science by Rafael A. Irizarry
- R for Data Science by Garrett Grolemund and Hadley Wickham
- Swirl
- Hands-On Programming with R by Garrett Grolemund
- LearnCS
- TutorialsPoint
- SoloLearn
- Learn C# building a simple rpg
- DotNetPerls - C# Reference
- The "Yellow Book": Introduction to C# Programming by Rob Miles
- MSDN C# Fundamentals for Absolute Beginners
- API documentation for most programming languages - Works offline
- Documentation
- Free Course โญ
- Docker Course ๐ฒ
- The Neophyte's Guide to Scala
- Programmin in Scala A book written by the programming language autor, Martin Odersky among others. The first edition is avalible for free
Online Courses
- Functional Programming Principles in Scala A course taught by the programming language autor, Martin Odersky.