.NET API implementation https://developers.soundcloud.com/docs/api/reference
If you run tests frequently from one account, soundcloud may ban it.
#Install Build and use SoundCloud.API.Client.dll or inject via nuget: https://www.nuget.org/packages/SoundCloud.API.Client
Direct connection via username and password. Good for debugging and tests.
ISoundCloudConnector soundCloudConnector = new SoundCloudConnector();
soundCloudClient = soundCloudConnector.DirectConnect("clientId", "clientSecret", "username", "password");
var user = soundCloudClient.User("42").GetUser();
Console.WriteLine(user.Id); //42
OAuth connection.
First of all go to your app page and fill 'Redirect URI for Authentication' field with your redirect_uri.
In my example I used this value: http://localhost:50086/Home/GetCode
You can find this sample here: .\SoundCloud.API.Client\SoundCloud.API.Client.Web\Controllers\HomeController.cs
public class HomeController : Controller
private readonly ISoundCloudConnector soundCloudConnector = new SoundCloudConnector();
//put your app credentials here
private const string clientId = "";
private const string clientSecret = "";
//specify redirect_uri
private const string redirectUri = "http://localhost:50086/Home/GetCode";
public ActionResult Index()
return View();
public ActionResult RequestCode()
var requestTokenUri = soundCloudConnector.GetRequestTokenUri(clientId, redirectUri, SCResponseType.Code, SCScope.NonExpiring, SCDisplay.Popup, null);
return Redirect(requestTokenUri.ToString());
public ActionResult GetCode(string error, [Bind(Prefix = "error_description")] string errorDescription, string code)
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(error))
return Content(string.Format("Error: {0}", errorDescription));
//connect with code
var soundCloudClient = soundCloudConnector.Connect(clientId, clientSecret, code, redirectUri);
var accessToken = soundCloudClient.CurrentToken;
//you also can connect next time with token
soundCloudClient = soundCloudConnector.Connect(accessToken);
var user = soundCloudClient.Me.GetUser();
return Content(string.Format("Your full name is {0}. Current token: {1}", user.FullName, accessToken.AccessToken));
If your token expires you can use soundCloudConnector.RefreshToken.
#Interface All methods reside in SoundCloudClient:
public interface ISoundCloudClient
SCAccessToken CurrentToken { get; }
IUserApi User(string userId);
IUsersApi Users { get; }
ITrackApi Track(string trackId);
ITracksApi Tracks { get; }
IPlaylistApi Playlist(string playlistId);
IGroupApi Group(string groupId);
IGroupsApi Groups { get; }
IMeApi Me { get; }
ICommentApi Comment(string commentId);
IAppApi App(string appId);
IResolveApi Resolve { get; }
IOEmbed OEmbed { get; }
Let's have a look at IGroupApi, for example. You must specify context by Id.
public interface IGroupApi
SCGroup GetGroup();
SCUser[] GetModerators(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCUser[] GetMembers(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCUser[] GetContributors(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCUser[] GetUsers(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCTrack[] GetApprovedTracks(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCTrack[] GetPendingTracks(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCTrack GetPendingTrack(string trackId);
void AcceptPendingTrack(string trackId);
void RejectPendingTrack(string trackId);
SCTrack[] GetContributions(int offset = 0, int limit = 50);
SCTrack GetContribution(string trackId);
void CreateContribution(string trackId);
void DeleteContribution(string trackId);
Simple usage:
var soundCloudClient = soundCloudConnector.Connect(accessToken);
var moderators = soundCloudClient.Group("42").GetModerators();
Also you can find some useful things like a fluent query executor:
var embed = soundCloudClient.OEmbed
#Tests If you want to run tests, you should fill settings.json first.
Full path: .\SoundCloud.API.Client\SoundCloud.API.Client.Test\settings.json
"ClientId" : "",
"ClientSecret" : "",
"UserName" : "",
"Password" : "",
"TestAppId" : ""
You can also specify optional fields here: TestGroupId, TestTrackId, TestUserId
#What's next It's almost stable right now. You can check out tests with your credentials.
Furthermore I want to implement api console into web-project like it's done here: https://developers.soundcloud.com/console
But better. :)