Better Blockquotes provides an way to easily add citations to quotes using the WordPress editor. Simply click on the blockquote button, and a pop-up will provide fields for quote, citation and citation link. Developers can extend the plugin to support various blockquote classes.
- WordPress 4.3 or higher
This is the quote.
<cite><a href="#">Citation</a></cite>
This plugin doesn't add any styling for blockquotes. Contact the author of your theme to make sure they support blockquote markup.
Developers can optionally add style options to the pop-up. Any selected styles will apply a class directly to the <blockquote>
function prefix_blockquote_classes() {
$options = array(
'class-1' => __( 'Style One', 'better-blockquotes' ),
'class-2' => __( 'Style Two', 'better-blockquotes' ),
return $options;
add_filter( 'betterblockquotes_classes', 'prefix_blockquote_classes' );
- Public release