(https://main--devjclosterman.netlify.app/)) 👋
My activity during the week is now on my WebMo profile github.com/devjclosterman2023
I'm a Passionate Developer based in Tucson, Arizona. I like Building stuff.
✨ HTML ✨ CSS ✨ JavaScript ✨ Python ✨ Git ✨ WordPress(PHP)
🔭 I’m currently working on ...
Webmo is expanding and I am going to be able to work with a designer to starting making and producing pre-made templates; Of course we still do custom templates!
Everyday I code, I am currently building bots with chatGPT-4..exciting!
My Website:
- devjclosterman.vercel.app
- Email: [email protected]
P.S. Believe your dreams!