- Osasco/SP
(UTC -03:00) - https://mozao.dev
- @devmozao
- in/devmozao
- https://eruptionjs.dev
dotfiles Public
Welcome to Pimp My Shell! This time, featuring @devMozao and his oh-my-zsh config, using Nord Theme, by Arctic Ice Studio.
estante Public archive
Lista de leituras recomendadas à todas as pessoas que desejam trilhar uma carreira de Desenvolvimento, tenham experiência na área ou não. Também é abordado livros de soft skill na estante e temas c…
desafio-reactjs Public archive
Desafio em ReactJS para membros iniciantes da comunidade de front-end possam desenvolver uma aplicação que vai testar seus conhecimentos e te proporcionar um feedback construtivo para crescer na st…
tweet-deleter Public archive
Twitter doesn't have the best experience to show your tweets to be mass deleted. So... I've created my own! Meet Tweet Deleter! 😁
github-app Public archive
SPA created as a test prototype for an job interview. The website should make an API request to github public API, retrieve and render specific details about the user that was found.
portfolio Public archive
(deprecated/needs revision) My website/portfolio made with React.
dynamic-checkbox-group-with-react-and-antd Public archive
How to create a dinamic checkbox group with React and Ant Design CSS Library
tweet-deleter-backend Public archive
The NodeJS backend created to serve the authentication and API for the Tweet Deleter frontend. 😊
useEffect-cleanup-examples Public archive
Project to illustrate how to properly handle useEffect's cleanup function with Requests made with Fetch API, Axios and ReactQuery lib.
context-api-example Public archive
Project created just to show how to use the basics of ErrorBoundary in ReactJS boilerplates.
JavaScript UpdatedJul 22, 2022 -
csgo-cfg Public
THE ONLY DOCUMENTED AND UPDATED CFG OUT THERE - drop a sub on my channel if you enjoyed: twitch.tv/devmozao
parsing-xml-values-in-js Public archive
Just a snippet on how to parse xml values in js, using nodejs fs native module and clean JS, without third libraries.
2022-01-21-suspense-error-boundaries Public archive
Forked from samselikoff/2022-01-21-suspense-error-boundariesSource code for "Suspense and Error Boundaries in React 18"
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 27, 2022 -
microfrontends-with-pure-js Public archive
Project that explains how to do a basic microfrontend architecture with pure JS and webpack (with module federation plugin).
poc-react-with-snowpack Public archive
POC to test ReactJS with Snowpack and see if it rocks! ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJan 21, 2021 -
react-with-dynamic-routes Public archive
Code done to grasp the concepts of dynamic routes in ReactJS using react-router-dom
JavaScript UpdatedAug 20, 2020 -
rocketseat-omnistack-09 Public archive
Rocketseat bootcamp "Omnistack 09". Backend developed with NodeJS, frontend with React and mobile with React Native.
JavaScript UpdatedMar 14, 2020 -