Bambu-Poop-Conveyor-ESP32 Public
Forked from t0nyz0/Bambu-Poop-Conveyor-ESP32ESP32 MQTT Bambu X1C watcher that activates a motor when "poop" is conveyed
C++ MIT License UpdatedAug 7, 2024 -
PrusaSlicer Public
Forked from prusa3d/PrusaSlicerG-code generator for 3D printers (RepRap, Makerbot, Ultimaker etc.)
C++ GNU Affero General Public License v3.0 UpdatedDec 27, 2023 -
animartrix Public
Forked from StefanPetrick/animartrixHigh fidelity & high-res LED animations for microcontrollers with hardware FPU (Teensy 4.x, 3.5, 3.6 & ESP32 S3)
C++ UpdatedMay 12, 2023 -
I2SClocklessVirtualLedDriver Public
Forked from hpwit/I2SClocklessVirtualLedDriverC++ UpdatedMar 3, 2023 -
workingfastledanimations Public
Forked from doctorpartlow/workingfastledanimationsws2812b nodemcu fastled animations
Solder-Reflow-Plate Public
Forked from AfterEarthLTD/Solder-Reflow-PlatePCB based SMD reflow plates
C++ MIT License UpdatedApr 6, 2022 -
OctoWS2811 Public
Forked from PaulStoffregen/OctoWS2811Control thousands of WS2811/2812 LEDs at video refresh speeds
C++ UpdatedMar 30, 2022 -
Ping-Pong-LED-Ball Public
Forked from CarlBugeja/Ping-Pong-LED-BallA ball with 242 RGB Addressable LEDs - the size of a ping pong ball
quickPatterns Public
Forked from brimshot/quickPatternsFastLED based pattern engine for addressable LEDs (NeoPixels, WS2811, WS2812) for layering animations on the same strand of lights.
NightDriverStrip Public
Forked from PlummersSoftwareLLC/NightDriverStripNightDriver client for ESP32
C++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedSep 24, 2021 -
arduino-lorawan Public
Forked from mcci-catena/arduino-lorawanUser-friendly library for using arduino-lmic with The Things Network and other LoRaWAN® networks
C++ MIT License UpdatedJul 5, 2021 -
FastLEDMusings Public
Forked from dprice2000/FastLEDMusingsMy FastLED Sketches
Mega-Cube Public
Forked from MaltWhiskey/Mega-Cube16x16x16 PL9823 Cube with Teensy 4.0 and FlexIO driver
C UpdatedMay 16, 2021 -
flam3 Public
Forked from scottdraves/flam3the original fractal flame renderer and genetic language
FastLED_NeoMatrix_SmartMatrix_LEDMatrix_GFX_Demos Public
Forked from marcmerlin/FastLED_NeoMatrix_SmartMatrix_LEDMatrix_GFX_DemosVarious Arduino 2D demos that work all hardware backends supported by FrameBuffer::GFX
C++ UpdatedJan 14, 2021 -
esp8266-fastled-webserver Public
Forked from jasoncoon/esp8266-fastled-webserver -
WordClockGenerator Public
Forked from im-pro-at/WordClockGeneratorJava program to generate a Word Clock text matrix
Java UpdatedJan 10, 2021 -
Infinity-Cube Public
Forked from s-marley/Infinity-CubeA small infinity cube programmed with FastLED
ledstrip Public
Forked from braydenm/ledstripControl custom LED strips
cozyvec Public
Forked from brubsby/cozyvecCozy Plotter Art Terminal
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 19, 2020 -
fibonacci-v3d-photon Public
Forked from jasoncoon/fibonacci-v3d-photonC++ GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 14, 2020 -
WLED Public
Forked from wled-dev/WLEDControl WS2812B RGB LEDs with an ESP8266 over WiFi!
C++ MIT License UpdatedFeb 6, 2020 -
tree-v2 Public
Forked from evilgeniuslabs/tree-v26.5’ white tree with 250 WS2811 RGB LEDs, driven by an ESP8266 microcontroller using the FastLED library, controlled with a web app over WiFi and/or an infrared remote control.
Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLE Public
Forked from adafruit/Adafruit_CircuitPython_BLEBluetooth Low Energy (BLE) library for CircuitPython
Python MIT License UpdatedOct 10, 2019 -
PythonSmartTie Public
Forked from gallaugher/PythonSmartTieCircuitPython Code to use a Bluefruit app to control a Neopixel strand. Used in a wearable "smart tie" project.
Python UpdatedOct 5, 2019 -
Adafruit_Learning_System_Guides Public
Forked from jonsampson/Adafruit_Learning_System_GuidesSmaller programs and scripts to display "inline" in Adafruit Learning System guides
C MIT License UpdatedOct 4, 2019