Optimized, in-memory, memory safe data structures.
This is a proof of concept for you to build on, not fully tested or production ready
- MemArray: Dynamic resizing uint array.
- MemDict: Dictionary type data structure with import/export to storage mappings.
Optimized, memory-safe, dynamically resizing, in-memory array.
type MemArray is bytes32;
MemArray myArray = LibMemArray.create();
// push, pop, get
myArray.push(0x69); // [0x69]
myArray.push(0x420); // [0x69, 0x420]
myArray.get(1); // 0x420
myArray.pop(); // (returns 0x420) [0x69]
// to/from legacy array
uint[] memory legacyArray = myArray.toArray();
MemArray myOtherArray = legacyArray.fromArray();
Optimized, memory-safe, dynamically resizing, in-memory dictionary like data structure.
Note: This is not a hash map and lookup times are O(n). However, due to gas, for smaller dictionaries the cost is less than a O(1) lookup in a storage mapping.
type MemDict is bytes32;
MemDict myDict = LibMemDict.create();
myDict.set(0x01, 0x999);
In addition to basic functionality, MemDict can be imported from or exported to a storage mapping:
mapping(uint -> uint) public myMapping;
uint[] keys = new uint[](3);
keys[0] = 1
keys[1] = 2
keys[2] = 3
MemDict myDict = LibMemDict.create();
myDict.set(keys[0], 0x69);
myDict.set(keys[1], 0x6969);
myDict.set(keys[2], 0x696969);
myDict.toMapping(myMapping); // sets values of 3 keys on storage mapping
MemDict myOtherDict = LibMemDict.createFromMapping(myMapping, keys); // creates new MemDict based on storage values for selected keys
- Uint MemArray
- Int MemArray
- Bytes32 MemArray
- Dictionary
- Set
- Queue
- Stack
- Linked List (TODO: separate LL logic from MemArray)
- Tree
- Graph