RSFormView is a library that helps you build fully customizable forms for data entry in a few minutes.
RSFormView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:
pod "RSFormView"
- Add a FormView to your view controller, you can do this either programatically or via Storyboards.
let formView = FormView(frame: frame)
Add a UIView
to your view controller and change the class name to FormView
and the module to RSFormView
- Set your view controller as FormViewDelegate:
class YourViewController: FormViewDelegate { ... }
and implement
func didUpdateFields(allFieldsValid: Bool)
This function will be called any time a user enters any data in the form, so it's a great place to update other views dependent on the entered data.
- Set your view controller as the FormView delegate
formView.delegate = self
- Set a FormViewModel to your formView
A FormViewModel
can be any class that implements the FormViewModel
For a class to implement FormViewModel
delegate you only need to define an array of FormItem
Each FormItem
will determine the behavior and validation of each text field in your form.
Out of the box, RSFormView provides the following subclasses of FormItem
: A single label, or a "section header"TextFieldCellItem
: A single text field.TwoTextFieldCellItem
: Two text fields.
You can add your own custom FormItem
s, check the Custom Items
section for more information.
- Configure your form looks
Create a FormConfigurator
change any colors or fonts you need and set it to your form view.
let configurator = FormConfigurator()
configurator.textColor = UIColor.lightGray
configurator.validTitleColor =
configurator.titleFont = UIFont.systemFont(withSize: 13)
formView.formConfigurator = configurator
Use the UIColor extension formColor(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int)
to create new UIColors.
let configurator = FormConfigurator()
let darkPurple = UIColor.formColor(red: 140, green: 20, blue: 252)
configurator.editingTitleColor = darkPurple
formView.formConfigurator = configurator
Choose whether to hide the bottom line by setting the bottom line colors to clear (they are set colored by default)
let configurator = FormConfigurator()
configurator.validLineColor = UIColor.clear
configurator.invalidLineColor = UIColor.clear
configurator.editingLineColor = UIColor.clear
formView.formConfigurator = configurator
Choose whether to show borders by setting the border colors to the value desired (they are set clear by default). Also set the border width and corner radius as desired.
let configurator = FormConfigurator()
configurator.validBorderColor = UIColor.gray
configurator.invalidBorderColor =
configurator.editingBorderColor = UIColor.darkPurple
configurator.borderCornerRadius = 20
configurator.borderWidth = 2
formView.formConfigurator = configurator
Disable tableView scrolling, which is enabled by default.
let configurator = FormConfigurator()
configurator.isScrollEnabled = false
formView.formConfigurator = configurator
- Collect data
Any text entry made in your form will be collected in your FormViewModel
Since you may have more than one text field per item a better way for collecting your data is making use of the fields()
function of the FormViewModel
, like this:
var user = User()
formViewModel.fields().forEach {
switch $ {
case "First Name":
user.firstName = $0.value
case "Birthdate":
user.birthdate = $0.value
print("\($ \($0.value)")
is a FormField property that determines the behaviour of the represented TextField.
- email: Will present the email keyboard when the field is selected and validate that the text entry is in an email format
- date: Will present a native date picker when the field is selected and validate that the entry is not empty
- integer: Will present the numeric keyboard when the field is selected and validate that the text entry can be casted to Int
- double: Will present the decimal keyboard when the field is selected and validate that the text entry can be casted to Double, pass the max decimal places as a parameter of this enum case
- password: Will mask the text entry in UI and validate that the text entry is not empty
- usPhone: Will decorate the text entry with slashes (111-111-1111) and validate that the text entry is in a valid US phone number format
Check FieldType
definition for more supported cases.
is a FormField
property that determines the validation behaviour of the represented TextField.
Different FieldType
s provide different default validations but the validation can be overriden by setting a ValidationType
to the FormField
- nonEmpty: Will mark the field invalid if the text entry is empty
- none: No validation will be made, the field will never be marked invalid unless manually made so
- integer: Will mark the field invalid if the text entry is not an integer
- double: Will mark the field invalid if the text entry is not a double, max 2 decimal places
- usState: Will validate that the text entry matches the name or abbreviation of any of the US states
- custom: Pass this case a block with your custom validation.
Custom example:
yourFormField.validationType = .custom(evaluator: { [weak self] updatedValue in
let otherFormField = self?.fields().first { $ == "OtherFormFieldName" }
let otherFormFieldValue = otherFormField?.value ?? ""
return updatedValue.count > 5 && updatedValue == otherFormFieldValue
//In this example the field will be marked valid if the text entry has mora characters than 5 and its text entry is the same as the field with identifier "OtherTextFieldName"
A FormItem
defines the basic behaviour of a row which is then specialized by subclassing it. You should never use instances of FormItem directly, RSFormView provides the following subclasses of FormItem out of the box:
TextCellItem: A single label, or a "section header" TextFieldCellItem: A single text field. TwoTextFieldCellItem: Two text fields.
- One Text Field item:
let birthdateField = FormField(name: "Birthdate field", // the identifier of the field, use this to collect the data later
initialValue: "", // the inital value of the field, if its in a date formate it will auto select that date in the picker
placeholder: FieldName.birthdate.rawValue, // The placeholder when there's no value and text field title when there is
fieldType: .date, //The Type of the field, .date will present a native picker view when tapping on the text field
isValid: false, //The initial validation state. The field won't be marked invalid until data is entered or removed
errorMessage: "Please enter a birthdate") //The error message to be displayed when the entry is invalid or empty
let formItem = TextFieldCellItem(with: birthdateField)
- Two Text Field item:
let firstFormField = FormField(...)
let secondFormField = FormField(...)
let formItem = TwoTextFieldCellItem(firstField: firstFormField, secondField: secondFormField)
- Text Cell Item (may be used as a section header or text hint):
let attributedString = NSAttributedString(...)
let formItem = TextCellItem()
formItem.attributedString = attributedString
If you need custom fields and the customization possibilities of the FormConfigurator
are not enough, you can implement your own Fields.
To do so, follow these steps:
1- Create your custom UITableViewCell
as you would normally do for any tableView.
2- Instead of subclassing from UITableViewCell
, use FormTableViewCell
as a base class.
3- Override update
and updateErrorState
to implement your own UI updates for the field.
4- Create a subclass of FormItem
that overrides cellIdentifier
and returns a valid reuseID.
5- In your formViewModel implementation, override the customCellSetup
callback and register your new cell on the tableView.
If you need an example, you can check the StepperCell
and StepperCellItem
classes on the Example project.
To manually mark fields invalid (for example after a server side validation) you can simply do:
yourFormView.markItemInvalid(fieldName: "EmailFieldName", errorMessage: "Oops, This email is already taken")
After the user makes any edit in the invalid field it will no longer be marked invalid unless the real time validation doesn't pass.
Clone this repo and run the example app to take a look at some of the RSFormView functionalities
To contribute to this library: fork this repository and create a Pull Request from your fork, detailing what are you improving/extending, the approach taken and screenshots to proof functionality added.
You can also open issues in this repository and our team will tackle them as soon as possible.
RSFormView is authored and mantained by Rootstrap and German Stabile with the help of our contributors.