Current git repository status:
Ruuvi Firmware version 3. Built on top of Nordic SDK 15, uses both Ruuvi and external repositories as submodules. Under development, please follow Ruuvi Blog for details. The project is in beta stage, no breaking changes are intented but will be done if absolutely necessary for some reason.
- gcc-arm-none-eabi-7-2018-q2-update Check that nRF5_SDK_15.3.0_59ac345/components/toolchain/gcc Makefile.posix or points to it.
- git
- python 3.7 or later and pip package manager
- Nordic mergehex merge 2 or 3 (not 4) .hex files into one.
- Nordic nrfutil Creates DeviceFirmwareUpdate zip file from hex
- Nordic Command Line Tools
- Nordic nRFconnect for your desktop or phone to upload DFU to the Ruuvi and a means to transfer the DFU zip file to you phone.
- A computer or phone with a bluetooth radio to receive advertisments from the ruuvi. See Dealing with the data
- on Mac OS XCode
- Ruuvi Dev kit board and a USB power & data cable.
- Or any other SWD programmer and a cable matching your target board.
Download Nordic SDK15.3 (.8GB)and install it at the project root. If you're working on multiple nRF projects, use soft linking to have only one copy.
Run git submodule sync --recursive
and git submodule update --init --recursive
to update the modules from new remotes.
ARMGCC is used for Jenkins builds, it's recommended that you use Segger Embedded Studio for developing. You can make the project and a single variant by runnning "make variantName" (for example "make ruuvitag_b" at top level of this repository
Segger Embedded Studio can be set up by installing nRF Connect for Desktop and following Getting Started plugin instructions.
Start SES and open ruuvi_ruuvi.firmware.c.emProject
at root level. Each of the target boards is in their own project.
Code is formatted with Artistic Style.
Run make astyle
The code can be checked with PVS Studio and Sonarcloud for some common errors, style issues and potential problems. Here is a link to generated report.
Obtain license and software from Viva64.
Installation process is described in
Make runs PVS Studio scan and outputs results under doxygen/html/fullhtml.
This produces hundreds of warnings, you need to filter the warnings you're interested in. For example you probably want to filter out warnings related to 64-bit systems.
Travis pushes the results to SonarCloud.IO. SonarCloud uses access token which is private to Ruuvi, you'll need to fork the project and setup the SonarCloud under your own account if you wish to run Sonar Scan on your own code.
Unit tests are implemented with Ceedling. Run the tests with
ceedling test:all
Ceedling can also generate Gcov reports with ceedling gcov:all utils:gcov
The report can be found under build/artifacts/gcov.
Travis will fail the build if unit test fails and Gcov results will get pushed to SonarCloud.
Compile and flash the project to your board using Segger Embedded Studio. Note: You should erase your board entirely in case there is a bootloader from a previous firmware.
If you're building binaries for distribution, use the provided make script to generate binaries.
This way you can be certain to have a repeatable build process. The makefile takes tag name of current git commit
and names the binaries with the tag. The version information also gets compiled into binaries.
If you have tagged the version as v3.99.1
the outputs will be named $BOARD_armgcc_ruuvifw_$VARIANT_v3.99.1_$TYPE.extension
For example ruuvitag_b_armgcc_ruuvifw_default_v3.29.3-rc1_full.hex
Tags should be valid semantic versions, starting with v
and possibly having pre-release information such as -rc2
. Do not add build information such as +TestFW
Please let us know your thoughts on the direction and structure of the project. Does the project help you to understand how to build code for the RuuviTag? Is the structure of the project sensible to you?
If you want to assist in the project maintenance by fixing some issues doxygen.error is a good place to look for code which needs better commenting. Project badges at the top of the readme point to issues which range from trivial clarifications to complex refactoring.
If you want to add new features, please discuss the feature first, and then create ceedling unit tests for the functionality. Once the functionality is agreed and testable in can be integrated into project.
Ruuvi code is BSD-3 licensed. Submodules and external dependencies have their own licenses, which are BSD-compatible.
Document is generated with Doxygen. Run make doxygen
to generate the docs locally, or
browse to Travis built docs