Our DNS code nsCouette is a highly scalable software tool to solve the Navier-Stokes equations for incompressible fluid flow between differentially heated and independently rotating, concentric cylinders. The governing equations for the primitive variables are discretized in a cylindrical co-ordinate system using a Fourier-Galerkin ansatz for the azimuthal and the axial direction. High-order explicit finite differences are used in the only inhomogeneous (wall-normal) direction. Periodic boundary conditions are assumed in the axial direction. nsCouette is based on a pressure-poisson equation (PPE) formulation and a dynamic time-stepping with automatic CFL control. It is implemented in modern Fortran with a hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallelization scheme and thus designed to compute turbulent flows at high Reynolds and Rayleigh numbers. An additional GPU implementation (C-CUDA) for intermediate problem sizes and a basic version for turbulent pipe flow (nsPipe) are also provided.
The source code can be easily downloaded from our git repository. Please read the included user guide for further and more detailed instructions.
# Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/dfeldmann/nsCouette.git
cd nsCouette
ls doc
To build the executable, a Makefile for a standard x86_64 Linux software stack with Intel, GNU or PGI compilers is provided. In general, the Makefile itself requires no editing by the user. Instead, all platform-specific settings can be fixed using the provided architecture files. You can find a variety of working examples for different systems in the respective directory. Have a look, copy the template which appears closest to your platform/situation and modify it accordingly.
ls ARCH/make.arch.*
# Build the code (e.g. with Intel compilers and MKL)
make ARCH=intel-mkl HDF5IO=no
# Build the code (more build options)
make ARCH=myPlatform CODE=<STD_CODE|TE_CODE> HDF5IO=<no|yes> DEBUG=<no|yes>
Dependencies and software requirements:
Compiler: A modern Fortran compiler which is OpenMP-3 compliant and additionally a corresponding C-compiler (for houskeeping tasks). Tested with ifort/icc 12-15 or later, PSXE2017, PSXE2018, GCC 4.7-4.9, PGI 14. For free software see: https://gcc.gnu.org/
MPI: An MPI library which supports thread-level MPI_THREAD_SERIALIZED. Tested with Intel MPI 4.1 and higher, IBM PE 1.3 and higher. For free software see: http://www.open-mpi.de/
Linear algebra: A serial BLAS/LAPACK library. Tested with Intel MKL 11.x, OpenBLAS 0.2.14. Adapt $LIBLA and/or point environment variable $MKLROOT to an MKL installation. For free software see: http://www.openblas.net/ http://math-atlas.sourceforge.net/ http://www.netlib.org/
Fourier transforms: A serial but fully thread-safe FFTW3 installation or equivalent. Tested with FFTW 3.3 and MKL 11.1, earlier MKL versions will likely fail. Point environment variable $FFTW_HOME to a FFTW3 installation or select MKL (11.1 or later). For free software see: http://www.fftw.org
Optional data output: An MPI-parallel HDF5 library installation. Tested with 1.8.9, 1.10.0-patch1. Point environment variable $HDF5_HOME to an suitable HDF5 installation or switch data output off by setting the external variable: make HDF5IO=NO. For free software see: http://www.hdfgroup.org/HDF5/
Following is a running list of contributors in chronological order:
- Prof. Marc Avila, University of Bremen, ZARM
- Dr. Liang Shi, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization
- Dr. Markus Rampp, Max Planck Computing and Data Facility
- Dr. Jose Manuel Lopez, IST Austria
- Dr. Daniel Feldmann, University of Bremen, ZARM
- Dr. Alberto Vela-Martin, School of Aeronautics, Universidad Politecnica de Madrid
Specific contribution is described below:
- Prof. Marc Avila is responsible for the numerical method/formulation and supervises the development cycle
- Dr. Daniel Feldmann is currently the main developer/maintainer and responsible for several additional features, bug-fixes, documentation and tutorials
- Dr. Jose Manuel Lopez implemented a dynamic time-stepper and extended the code for pipe flow and to include the temperature field
- Dr. Markus Rampp developed the hybrid parallelization, parallel I/O and visualization, HPC optimization, and manages the development cycle
- Dr. Alberto Vela-Martin designed and developed the GPU-accelerated version
- Dr. Liang Shi designed and developed the earlier MPI-parallel versions
- A user guide is distributed with the source code.
- Technical documentation of the source code, auto-generated with the FORD tool can be found here.
If you use nsCouette, please cite
Jose M. Lopez, Daniel Feldmann, Markus Rampp, Alberto Vela-Martin, Liang Shi & Marc Avila, nsCouette - A high-performance code for direct numerical simulations of turbulent Taylor-Couette flow, preprint: arXiv:1908.00587
For the methodology, implementation and validation, please refer to
Liang Shi, Markus Rampp, Bjoern Hof & Marc Avila, A hybrid MPI-OpenMP parallel implementation for pseudospectral simulations with application to Taylor-Couette flow Computers & Fluids, 106, 1-11 (2015), preprint: arXiv:1311.2481
Please note that the version of the code which was published in Computers & Fluids has meanwhile been improved by the implementation of a pressure-poisson equation (PPE) formulation and a variable timestep with automatic CFL control.
Please drop us a note if you publish scientific results obtained with our code.
Baofang Song, Carlos Plana, Jose M. Lopez & Marc Avila, Phase-field simulation of core-annular pipe flow, International Journal of Multiphase Flow, 117, 14-24 (2019).
Jose M. Lopez, George H. Choueiri & Björn Hof, Dynamics of viscoelastic pipe flow at low Reynolds numbers in the maximum drag reduction limit, Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 874, 699-719 (2019).
Liang Shi, Björn Hof, Markus Rampp & Marc Avila, Hydrodynamic turbulence in quasi-Keplerian rotating flows, Physics of Fluids, 29, 044107 (2017).
Grégoire Lemoult, Liang Shi, Kerstin Avila, Shreyas V. Jalikop, Marc Avila & Björn Hof, Directed percolation phase transition to sustained turbulence in Couette flow, Nature Physics, 12, 254-258 (2016).
Jose M. Lopez, Francisco Marques & Marc Avila, Conductive and convective heat transfer in fluid flows between differentially heated and rotating cylinders, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 90, 959-967 (2015).
Colin Leclercq, Jamie L. Partridge, Pierre Augier, Colm-Cille P. Caulfield, Stuart B. Dalziel & Paul F. Linden, Nonlinear waves in stratified Taylor-Couette flow. Part 1. Layer formation, preprint: arXiv:1609.02885.
Colin Leclercq, Jamie L. Partridge, Pierre Augier, Colm-Cille P. Caulfield, Stuart B. Dalziel & Paul F. Linden, Nonlinear waves in stratified Taylor-Couette flow. Part 2. Buoyancy flux, preprint: arXiv:1609.02886.
If you have any questions, comments or suggestions for improvements, please fell free to contact:
- [Dr. Daniel Feldmann](mailto: [email protected]) or
- [Dr. Markus Rampp](mailto: [email protected]).
General support requests and bug reports can be sent to:
- [[email protected]](mailto: [email protected])