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Progammbeispiel einer Verwaltungsapp für Golfplätze für das Modul Software Testing (SWB 105 6043)


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golfClubPro - Manage your golf courts with ease (Education only)

This repository contains an example of a management app for golf courses for the Software Testing module (SWB 105 6043) at Esslingen University of Applied Sciences.

Ausschlussklausel: Alle Inhalte dienen ausschließlich Bildungszwecken. Der Inhalt ist nicht für die professionelle Nutzung.
Disclaimer: All content is for educational purposes only. I do not intend for the content to be a substitute for professional usage.

Pre-requisits for development

To run the examples, you need to install the following components:

  • Java Developer Kit 11 (or higher) - to run and develop Java applications
  • Maven - tool to build Java applications and run tests
  • JUnit 5 (via Maven) - library to develop and execute JUnit tests
  • node.js and npm v18 (or higher) via Node Version Manager - to develop the frontend using vue.js
  • OCI complient container runtime - e.g., Docker or Podman
  • Container compose orchestration - e.g., docker-compose or podman-compose
  • Git (optional) - to clone this repository.


For Linux, you can run the following commands to install the pre-requisits:

$ sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk maven git # to install (change version number for other Java versions), maven and git all in one
$ java -version # check if java installation was correct
$ maven -version # check if maven installation was correct
$ curl -o- | bash # to install nvm
$ source ~/.bashrc # source bashrc to use nvm
$ nvm install v18.13.0 # install node and npm using nvm
$ # (optional)
$ git --version # check if git installation was correct


For macOS, we assume you have already installed Homebrew. If not please do it before executing the followng commands.

$ brew -v   # check if homebrew is installed
$ brew install java maven git # to install latest java jdk, maven and git all in one
$ java -version # check if java installation was correct
$ maven -version # check if maven installation was correct
$ brew install node # to install node and npm
# (optional)
$ git --version # check if git installation was correct

Build and Run in Docker Container Environment

The Vue.js frontend as well as the Java Spring-Boot golfclub-management components provides Dockerfiles to build containers to run. The simplest way to build and run the applications is to use the provided compose file. The compose file do have the neccessary environmental information for the containers to run in a "compose" setup even including testing credential information for the database

$ cd golfClubPro/docker-compose # go into the compose directory
$ # hint: use docker-compose (with '-') when using legacy version1
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml build    # builds you all the containers required
$ docker compose -f docker-compose.yml up       # to start all containers in a composed environment | use "down" to stop the containers properly

Afterwards, open a Web browser (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox or Microsoft Edge) and navigate to the local instance of the golfClubPro application on http://localhost:8081/.


Progammbeispiel einer Verwaltungsapp für Golfplätze für das Modul Software Testing (SWB 105 6043)







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