A collection of utilities, ergonomic improvements, and components for use with ember-data
Common teardown scenario for ember routes backed by a data model
Ruby interface to the GNU Scientific Library [Ruby 2.x and GSL 1.16 compatible fork of the gsl gem]
Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails
A combobox plugin that works with twitter bootstrap
dguettler / prototype-rails
Forked from rails/prototype-railsAdd RJS, Prototype, and Scriptaculous helpers to Rails 3.1+ apps
Port of actionwebservice (AWS) to the latest Rails version
dguettler / vim-config
Forked from Casecommons/vim-config(Mac)Vim configuration
dguettler / railsready
Forked from bobanj/railsreadyRuby and Rails setup script for Linux and OSX
dguettler / run_later
Forked from Zelnox/run_laterA port of Merb's run_later functionality to thread-safe Rails (>= 3).
dguettler / respond_to_parent
Forked from itkin/respond_to_parentEnable access to an iframe's parent element, for Rails 3 (Extraction from
Deprecated (no longer maintained). Use the Rails Composer tool instead.
Casecommons / vim-config
Forked from seanmoon/dotfiles(Mac)Vim configuration
Add RJS, Prototype, and Scriptaculous helpers to Rails 3.1+ apps
dguettler / Falling-Blocks
Forked from PhilCK/Falling-BlocksA tetris style game, cos everybody makes one :) Made with Ruby and Gosu
Symlink to external dependencies, rather than bloating your repositories with them
A popular and flexible JavaScript DatePicker for RubyOnRails (and others)
Exception Notifier Plugin for Rails
Arduino library for the DHT22 humidity and temperature sensor
Zelnox / run_later
Forked from ggoodale/run_laterA port of Merb's run_later functionality to thread-safe Rails (>= 3).
Enable access to an iframe's parent element, for Rails 3 (Extraction from
dguettler / irwi
Forked from alno/irwiComplete wiki plugin for Ruby on Rails
A Ruby gem to transform HTML + CSS into PDFs using the command-line utility wkhtmltopdf
A tetris style game, cos everybody makes one :) Made with Ruby and Gosu