I'm Dhairya Jain, a Frontend Developer. I love to talk about technology and more than that find ways for incorporating them in daily life. I love to develop & discuss business ideas and strategies. Though I haven't yet started a business or startup of my own, I aspire to start one. Interested in web development and open source technologies, I love how websites look and work. They just light me up.
🌱 I’m currently learning Web Development frameworks like Vue.js, Node.js and then completing the MERN stack.
🔭 I’m currently working on the following projects:
- simC - A simple high level dynamically typed front-end for C. (Licensed under GPL v3)
- Pygeneses - A PyTorch based Deep Reinforcement Learning Framework to study behaviour of artificial agents in bio-inspired environments. (Licensed under GPL v3)
- TemplateBuddy - A project for making resumes and research papers using latex (Licensed under GPL v3)
- and a bunch of other personal web related projects( mostly part of self learning the technologies 😄)
👯 I’m looking to collaborate with people who are enthusiastic about Web Development, Artificial Intelligence and related areas. Have some really cool and exciting projects you want to be part of.

NOTE: Top languages does not indicate my skill level or something like that, it's a Github metric of which languages I have the most code on Github.