ros2ai is a next-generation ROS 2 command line interface extension with OpenAI
- (Just for fun 😝)
- Getting answers against the questions directly without browsing, clicking and typing many times.
- Easy to use for everyone, especially for ROS 2 beginners and students who do not really know ros2cli.
- Multiple language support.
See how it works 🔥
Verified on Ubuntu22.04 only, other platform would also work.
Distribution | Supported | Note |
Rolling Ridley | ✅ | Development / Mainstream Branch |
Iron Irwini | ⛔ | W.I.P (No distro specific dependency, should work.) |
Humble Hawksbill | ⛔ | W.I.P (No distro specific dependency, should work.) |
pip install openai
Should have all required packages described in package.xml
No released package is available, needs to be build in colcon workspace.
source /opt/ros/rolling/setup.bash
mkdir -p colcon_ws/src
cd colcon_ws/src
git clone
cd ..
colcon build --symlink-install --packages-select ros2ai
requires OpenAI API key
export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key-here'
There are more tuning parameters and environmental variables to be described.
to check OpenAI API key is valid.
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai status -v
----- api_model: gpt-4
----- api_endpoint:
----- api_token: None
As an artificial intelligence, I do not have a physical presence, so I can't be "in service" in the traditional sense. But I am available to assist you 24/7.
[SUCCESS] Valid OpenAI API key.
to ask any questions to ROS 2 assistant.
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai query "Tell me how to check the available topics?"
To check the available topics in ROS 2, you can use the following command in the terminal:
ros2 topic list
After you enter this command, a list of all currently active topics in your ROS2 system will be displayed. This list includes all topics that nodes in your system are currently publishing to or subscribing from.
that ROS 2 assistant can execute the appropriate command based on your request.
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai exec "give me all nodes"
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai exec "what topics available"
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai exec "give me detailed info for topic /chatter"
Type: std_msgs/msg/String
Publisher count: 1
Subscription count: 0
- Japanese (could be any language ❓)
root@tomoyafujita:~/docker_ws/ros2_colcon# ros2 ai query "パラメータのリスト取得方法を教えて"
ROS 2のパラメータリストを取得するには、コマンドラインインターフェース(CLI)を使います。具体的には、次のコマンドを使用します:
ros2 param list
ros2 param list /node_name
Special thanks to OpenAI API 🌟🌟🌟