A collection of data I manually annotated during my Phd on ItalianFrameNet.
There are currently two datasets available:
1.) ITA-EUROPARL_gold.xml: 987 Italian sentences extracted from the English-Italian bitext of Europarl, manually annotated with frames and FEs from FrameNet 1.3. The same English sentences had been previously used to build an English-German and an English-French gold standard (available at http://www.nlpado.de/~sebastian/srl_data.html) and to evaluate some transfer experiments with these two language pairs (Pado and Lapata, 2005, Pado and Pitel, 2007).
2.) MULTIBERKELEY_gold.xml: 391 sentences from the Berkeley FrameNet corpus, manually translated and then annotated with frames and FEs from FrameNet 1.3, one frame per sentence.
For details on the two corpora, how they were created and what frames they include, check my Phd thesis:
Sara Tonelli (2010). Semi-automatic Techniques for Extending the FrameNet Lexical Database to New Languages. PhD thesis, Dept. of Language Sciences, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy (available at: http://dspace.unive.it/handle/10579/1025)