- San Francisco, California
- middlewarehq.com
- @dhruvagga
- in/dhruvagga
india Public
Forked from github/indiaGitHub resources and information for the developer community in India
Apps.Github22 Public
Forked from RocketChat/Apps.Github22The ultimate app extending Rocket.Chat for all developers collaborating on Github (2022 and beyond)
TypeScript UpdatedMar 26, 2023 -
samad-yar-khan Public
Forked from samad-yar-khan/samad-yar-khanMy Personal Repository
UpdatedJan 31, 2023 -
terrace.js Public
Forked from Shuttl-Tech/terrace.jsA CRA v3 based frontend starter project.
TypeScript MIT License UpdatedOct 5, 2021 -
gmat-pad Public
A GMAT practice pad, which enables you to time your question attempts and review them later.
amazon-pay-sdk-python Public
Forked from amzn/amazon-pay-sdk-pythonAmazon Pay Python SDK
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
geekometer Public
This chrome extension keeps a track of the problems solved by you on geeksforgeeks.org, and crosses them out.Hence, easing it out for you to concentrate on missed ones
termailer Public
python script to send email from terminal (currently for gmail only)
incubator-airflow Public
Forked from apache/airflowApache Airflow (Incubating)
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMar 6, 2017 -
pasteit Public
just post a file on pastebin and retrieve its link within the terminal
fastsubmit_codechef Public
script that can be used to submit codechef problems directly from terminal
http-request-translator Public
Forked from owtf/http-request-translatorPython BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJun 19, 2016 -
GSOC-Org-finder Public
A web interface which enables you to find and filter orgs based on previous years data
hackademic Public
Forked from Hackademic/hackademicthe main hackademic code repository
PHP GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedFeb 27, 2016 -
flask_restdemo Public
Flask extension to facilitate demo routing
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedJan 16, 2016 -
codeforces_desktop_notifier Public
A script which notifies on the desktop you whenever your specified targets give AC in a running contest
django-blog Public
Forked from shubhamd/django-blogA Django based blog, for experiments !
Python UpdatedOct 19, 2015 -
pytranslator Public
CLI based translator for quick translation within the terminal
geekorandom Public
used for generating random tests from links in geeksforgeeks,org
cpp-py-calculator Public
Forked from Anmol-Singh-Jaggi/cpp-py-calculatorA simple C++/Python expression evaluator. Calls Python interpreter from within C++
C++ UpdatedOct 2, 2015 -
File-Locker Public
Forked from Anmol-Singh-Jaggi/File-LockerAn application which can encrypt any file with a password and make a self-extracting binary for unlocking it.
beacon-boilerplate Public
This is a boilerplate code for beacon for easy import and use.
CMake Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 12, 2015 -