Creates a vscode settings file with all of the compiler defines and include paths in it.
This program works by taking the command uses to invoke the compiler (with all of the -D, -I etc options) and it parses the options and generates a VSCode settings file (more precisely, a c_cpp_properties.json file).
duino_vscode_settings also supports storing multiple configurations, so you can have a configuation for running the host compiler (say to run a C++ test suite), and have a configuration for each type of Arduino Board that you use.
duino_vscode_settings will tries to merge any existing options so as not to overwrite customizations.
pip3 install duino_vscode_settings
python3 -m pip install diono_vscode_settings
You can find the source code on github
make-vscode-settings ./.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json -- g++ -DFOO -IsomePath -IotherPath
will generate a c_cpp_properties.json
which looks something like this:
"configurations": [
"cStandard": "gnu11",
"compilerPath": "g++",
"cppStandard": "g++17",
"defines": [
"includePath": [
"intelliSenseMode": "gcc-arm",
"mergeConfigurations": true,
"name": "Arduino"
Using a NeoPixelExample compiled for a WaveShare RP2040 Zero, I would normally compile this using something like:
arduino-cli compile --fqbn rp2040:rp2040:waveshare_rp2040_zero
If you pass in the --verbose
then arduino-cli will print out the compiler invocations. If you
grab the one for the .ino file then I use that.
arduino-cli compile --verbose --fqbn rp2040:rp2040:waveshare_rp2040_zero 2>/dev/null | grep g++ | grep .ino.cpp | grep -v -- -lc | tail -1
This will produce this output:
/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/tools/pqt-gcc/2.3.0-dfd82b2/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++ \
-I /tmp/arduino/sketches/7F7CB296241CD53CB3A2A1C9D0C29E09/core -c -Werror=return-type \
-Wno-psabi -DUSBD_PID=0x0003 -DUSBD_VID=0x2e8a -DUSBD_MAX_POWER_MA=500 \
@/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/lib/rp2040/platform_def.txt \
-march=armv6-m -mcpu=cortex-m0plus -mthumb -ffunction-sections -fdata-sections -fno-exceptions \
-iprefix/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/ \
@/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/lib/rp2040/platform_inc.txt \
@/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/lib/core_inc.txt \
-I/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/include -fno-rtti \
-std=gnu++17 -g -pipe -w -x c++ -E -CC -DF_CPU=133000000L -DARDUINO=10607 \
-I/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/cores/rp2040 \
-I/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/hardware/rp2040/4.0.3/variants/waveshare_rp2040_zero \
/tmp/arduino/sketches/7F7CB296241CD53CB3A2A1C9D0C29E09/sketch/NeoPixelExample.ino.cpp -o /dev/null
If you assigned the above to a variable called COMPILER_CMD
then I would run
like this:
COMPILER_CMD=$(arduino-cli compile --verbose --fqbn rp2040:rp2040:waveshare_rp2040_zero 2>/dev/null | grep g++ | grep .ino.cpp | grep -v -- -lc | tail -1)
make-vscode-settings -c Arduino-zero ./.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json -- ${COMPILER_CMD}
and that would generate ./.vscode/c_cpp_properties.json
with contents something like this:
"configurations": [
"cStandard": "gnu11",
"compilerPath": "/home/dhylands/.arduino15/packages/rp2040/tools/pqt-gcc/2.3.0-dfd82b2/bin/arm-none-eabi-g++",
"cppStandard": "gnu++17",
"defines": [
"includePath": [
"intelliSenseMode": "gcc-arm",
"mergeConfigurations": true,
"name": "Arduino-zero"
"version": 4
I typically make a seperate VSCode workspace for each Arduino project, and when I open the
workspace and then select Arduino-zero
in the bottom right corner. All of the red-squiggles
should be gone, and you can Control-Click on a symbol and it takes you to the place where
it's defined.