Polkichcha is a lightweight REST client to connect your spark cluster via a thrift server. Just submit the query in your HTTP request and Polkichcha will execute it on the thrift JDBC and present the results.
Polkichcha uses the hive JDBC libraries with the WSO2 MSF4J microservices framework.
- Clone the repo
- do a
mvn package
- Create the config file that has the properties to connect to Thrift
- run the package
java -jar spark-rest-client-vv.jar
- To run a query, do a HTTP GET to
The path parameter you give for 'q' should be Base64 encoded before submission
When a valid query is submit, you will receive an ID for reference.
- To retrieve the results of the query, do an HTTP GET to
You will receive the results in as a JSON Object. Observe the following attributes to asses the result of the query;
"success": [true: whether the query was successful | false: query was not completed]
"timedout": [true: query was timed out | false: query was not timed out]
"data": [your data as JSON Array]
May it be an open issue, or your own idea, just fork and give us a pull. We will surely merge if its good.