AMA → Ask Me Anything!
Amas is a recursive acronym.
Sindre Sorhus - Aspiring rebel. Creator of Pageres, Chalk, TodoMVC, Yeoman.
Pascal Hartig - Polyglot. Engineer at Twitter. Contributor to Yeoman, TodoMVC, WSK.
Stephen Sawchuk - Just having fun. Creator of wiredep, youmeyou. Helper of ^.
Arthur Verschaeve - Open source fanboy at H5BP, Yeoman, jQuery and TodoMVC.
Mark Otto - Designer at GitHub. Creator of Bootstrap.
Zach Holman - Developer and speaker. Previously worked at GitHub.
Kent C. Dodds - JavaScript dev, open source contributor, community builder, and speaker.
Hugh Kennedy - Web/graphics programmer, a maintainer of glslify, and far too many npm modules.
Simon Boudrias - Yeoman, Inquirer.js and a bunch of other node modules. Software engineer at Yelp.
Reza Akhavan - Engineer at Mozilla. Co-organizer at NodeSchoolSF. Creator of Drywall, Frame, Aqua.
Wes Bos - Full stack developer, independent author, speaker, teacher and JavaScripter.
Anselm Hannemann - Freelance front-end developer, author of WDRL, co-organizer of
Blain Smith - Partner/Engineer at MadGlory and Odd Networks. Rebel Geek.
Paul Miller - Creator of, Chaplin, es6-shim and many npm modules. Entrepreneur & frequent traveler.
Lewis Cowper - Former forklift driver. Now web developer.
Blake Winton - UX Engineer for Mozilla Firefox, and the author of Whimsy.
Darrin Henein - Design Lead for Firefox Mobile at Mozilla, creator of Lastronaut.
Cassie McDaniel - Design Director for Mozilla Foundation, cofounder of Women&&Tech, speaker and writer.
Wenjie Fan - Front-end Engineer for Linux Deepin, blogger of
Maxime Euzière - Front-end hacker and JS code-golfer.
Robert Haritonov - Front-end Team Lead, SourceJS maintainer and Living Style Guide evangelist.
Lim Chee Aun - Product engineer. GitHub stargazer. Anime lover.
Darcy Clarke - Developer, Designer, Founder, Mentor & Speaker.
Vishnu Ks - Student at IIIT Allahabad. Experimentalist.
To the extent possible under law, Sindre Sorhus has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.