Php webservice for send large image base64 and another desired data
Alpha 1.0
Basecode for send POST request and save result to a MySQL database
This method called webservice based on POST request is a standard way to transmit information between two systems and POST URI method is a safe way to guaraantie the large data transmit, also add a prottected and safe implementation layer to hide the sensitive information.
Adittionaly, for control and notificaction method this webservice count with debug method and simple php mail system that send activity to specified emails accounts, whit a very friendly format.
This webservice code is free licensed but needs to mention for own creator.
- Download or clone and add to your project's folder for public access.
- Configure your database conection
- Send Data for a CURL method
¡Important! The first free alpha version is not recommended for production implementation at less if you encapsule and transform to a class reference object oriented, and made a unit testing proccess for proof the real context functionality.
If you are really interesting on implement a webservice sistem you must seriously have to implement a SSL/TLS security layer for protect your sensible data and effort your reliability.
Please fell free for comments and sugestion, also if you want to contribute, contact for [email protected] Thanks ¡Saludos Terricolas!