This repo contains pytorch implementations of deep person re-identification models.
Pretrained models are available.
We will actively maintain this repo to incorporate new models.
to the folder where you want to download this repo.- run
git clone
Create a directory to store reid datasets under this repo via
cd deep-person-reid/
mkdir data/
Market1501 [7]:
- download dataset to
from - extract dataset and rename to
MARS [8]:
- create a directory named
. - download dataset to
from - extract
. - download split information from and put
. (we want to follow the standard split in [8])
These are implemented in
where we have two main classes that subclass
: processes image-based person reid datasets.VideoDataset
: processes video-based person reid datasets.
These two classes are used for that can provide batched data.
: ResNet50 [1], ResNet50M [2].models/
: DenseNet121 [3].
: cross entropy + label smoothing regularizer [5].htri
: triplet loss with hard positive/negative mining [4] .
We use Adam
[6] everywhere, which turned out to be the most effective optimizer in our experiments.
Training codes are implemented mainly in
: train image model with cross entropy
: train image model with combination of cross entropy loss and hard triplet
: train video model with cross entropy
: train video model with combination of cross entropy loss and hard triplet loss.
For example, to train an image reid model using ResNet50 and cross entropy loss, run
python -d market1501 -a resnet50 --max-epoch 60 --train-batch 32 --test-batch 32 --stepsize 20 --eval-step 20 --save-dir log/resnet50-xent-market1501 --gpu-devices 0
Then, you will see
Args:Namespace(arch='resnet50', dataset='market1501', eval_step=20, evaluate=False, gamma=0.1, gpu_devices='0', height=256, lr=0.0003, max_epoch=60, print_freq=10, resume='', save_dir='log/resnet50/', seed=1, start_epoch=0, stepsize=20, test_batch=32, train_batch=32, use_cpu=False, weight_decay=0.0005, width=128, workers=4)
Currently using GPU 0
Initializing dataset market1501
=> Market1501 loaded
Dataset statistics:
subset | # ids | # images
train | 751 | 12936
query | 750 | 3368
gallery | 751 | 15913
total | 1501 | 32217
Initializing model: resnet50
Model size: 25.04683M
==> Epoch 1/60
Batch 10/404 Loss 6.665115 (6.781841)
Batch 20/404 Loss 6.792669 (6.837275)
Batch 30/404 Loss 6.592124 (6.806587)
... ...
==> Epoch 60/60
Batch 10/404 Loss 1.101616 (1.075387)
Batch 20/404 Loss 1.055073 (1.075455)
Batch 30/404 Loss 1.081339 (1.073036)
... ...
==> Test
Extracted features for query set, obtained 3368-by-2048 matrix
Extracted features for gallery set, obtained 15913-by-2048 matrix
Computing distance matrix
Computing CMC and mAP
Results ----------
mAP: 68.8%
CMC curve
Rank-1 : 85.4%
Rank-5 : 94.1%
Rank-10 : 95.9%
Rank-20 : 97.2%
Finished. Total elapsed time (h:m:s): 1:57:44
Please run python -h
for more details regarding arguments.
Model | Size (M) | Loss | Rank-1/5/10 (%) | mAP (%) | Model weights | Published Rank | Published mAP |
DenseNet121 | 7.72 | xent | 86.5/93.6/95.7 | 67.8 | download | ||
DenseNet121 | 7.72 | xent+htri | 89.5/96.3/97.5 | 72.6 | download | ||
ResNet50 | 25.05 | xent | 85.4/94.1/95.9 | 68.8 | download | 87.3/-/- | 67.6 |
ResNet50 | 25.05 | xent+htri | 87.5/95.3/97.3 | 72.3 | download | ||
ResNet50M | 30.01 | xent | 89.0/95.5/97.3 | 75.0 | download | 89.9/-/- | 75.6 |
ResNet50M | 30.01 | xent+htri | 90.4/96.7/98.0 | 76.6 | download |
Model | Size (M) | Loss | Rank-1/5/10 (%) | mAP (%) | Model weights | Published Rank | Published mAP |
ResNet50 | 24.79 | xent | 74.5/88.8/91.8 | 64.0 | download | ||
ResNet50 | 24.79 | xent+htri | 80.8/92.1/94.3 | 74.0 | download | ||
ResNet50M | 29.63 | xent | 77.8/89.8/92.8 | 67.5 | download | ||
ResNet50M | 29.63 | xent+htri | 82.3/93.8/95.3 | 75.4 | download |
Say you have downloaded ResNet50 trained with xent
on market1501
. The path to this model is 'saved-models/resnet50_xent_market1501.pth.tar'
(create a directory to store model weights mkdir saved-models/
). Then, run the following command to test
python -d market1501 -a resnet50 --evaluate --resume saved-models/resnet50_xent_market1501.pth.tar --save-dir log/resnet50-xent-market1501 --test-batch 32
Likewise, to test video reid model, you should have a pretrained model saved under saved-models/
, e.g. saved-models/resnet50_xent_mars.pth.tar
, then run
python -d mars -a resnet50 --evaluate --resume saved-models/resnet50_xent_mars.pth.tar --save-dir log/resnet50-xent-mars --test-batch 2
Note that --test-batch
in video reid represents number of tracklets. If we set this argument to 2, and sample 15 images per tracklet, the resulting number of images per batch is 2*15=30. Adjust this argument according to your GPU memory.
[1] He et al. Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition. CVPR 2016.
[2] Yu et al. The Devil is in the Middle: Exploiting Mid-level Representations for Cross-Domain Instance Matching. arXiv:1711.08106.
[3] Huang et al. Densely Connected Convolutional Networks. CVPR 2017.
[4] Hermans et al. In Defense of the Triplet Loss for Person Re-Identification. arXiv:1703.07737.
[5] Szegedy et al. Rethinking the Inception Architecture for Computer Vision. CVPR 2016.
[6] Kingma and Ba. Adam: A Method for Stochastic Optimization. ICLR 2015.
[7] Zheng et al. Scalable Person Re-identification: A Benchmark. ICCV 2015.
[8] Zheng et al. MARS: A Video Benchmark for Large-Scale Person Re-identification. ECCV 2016.