Contributors: fusionengineering, davisshaver, danielbachhuber
Tags: shortcodes, Facebook, Infogram, Playbuzz, Rap Genius, Scribd
Requires at least: 4.2
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 0.1.0
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:
A fine selection of Shortcake-powered shortcodes.
Shortcake Bakery adds a fine selection of shortcodes to your WordPress site. Use with Shortcake for the optimal experience.
The follow shortcodes are now available for your use within the content field:
- Image Comparison
[image-comparison left="9" right="10" position="center"]
- Facebook
[facebook url=""]
- iFrames (requires code-level configuration of accepted domains)
[iframe src=""]
- Infogram
[infogram url=""]
- PDF's (requires PDF served from domain with
header)[pdf url=""]
- Playbuzz
[playbuzz url=""]
- Rap Genius
- Scribd
[scribd url=""]
- Scripts (requires code-level configuration of accepted domains)
[script src=""]
See the Installation section for code-level configuration details. Get involved with the project and submit your own shortcodes on Github.
It's a plugin! Install it like any other.
Most of the shortcodes work out of the box, but you'll need to whitelist any domains you want to be eligible for script and iFrame tag use.
add_filter( 'shortcake_bakery_whitelisted_script_domains', function(){
return array(
add_filter( 'shortcake_bakery_whitelisted_iframe_domains', function(){
return array(
2. Shortcodes preview in the visual editor, with a quick edit button to provide easy access to attribute fields.
3. The image comparison shortcode is powered by JuxtaposeJS, a tool built by the Northwestern University Knight Lab.
8. The RapGenius shortcode doesn't do anything in the admin – but on the frontend, it adds annotations to your post.
- Initial release.
- Full release notes