Migration to asp.net core of the MVC Foolproof Validation library.
This library add many new validation attributes to your toolbox.
Operator validators:
- Is
- EqualTo
- NotEqualTo
- GreaterThan
- LessThan
- GreaterThanOrEqualTo
- LessThanOrEqualTo
Improved required validators:
- RequiredIf
- RequiredIfNot
- RequiredIfTrue
- RequiredIfFalse
- RequiredIfEmpty
- RequiredIfNotEmpty
- RequiredIfRegExMatch
- RequiredIfNotRegExMatch
See full library documentation here: https://archive.codeplex.com/?p=foolproof.
New operator validators:
- In
- NotIn
All the validators are available for client side validation as well.
NuGet: install-package FoolProof.Core