- New York, NY, America
- https://www.linkedin.com/in/abdulkadirsurucu/
socket Public
A library with socket channels where you can broadcast and manage channels, such as send a message to the bank channel and send a message to the software channel.
blade Public
Render template is a template engine used by many frameworks, and this repo is a repo that shows how it is rendered.
PHP UpdatedApr 24, 2024 -
diloabininyeri Public
Who am I?, DIlo Sürücü introduce repo, this repo is for profile only, no other purpose
async Public
A library that can run objects async with PHP
anti-guard-clause Public
anti-guard-clause is a very tedious issue, by using this library you will prevent guard-clause generation
dto-attribute-validator Public
Created this repo to show how to Validate DTO using php attribute
dilosurucu Public
you can access my cv using the linux kernel ... if you have little knowledge you can already do it , but if you don't know why would I waste time working with you ... keep up the good work
Shell UpdatedJan 9, 2023 -
once Public
php once function ,It does not make different logic each time, it does it in one go and stores the result in memory, so there is no extra operation and time loss when it is called repeatedly, it re…
kubernetes-rest-socket Public
kubernetes rest socket via socket.io,Using rest api, it sends notification to all clients subscribed to socket via socket, only rest api request sends notifications to subscribers on the back side,…
2 UpdatedAug 16, 2022 -
rest-socket Public
Send socket notification on HTTP rest API
go-rest-api Public
Golang rest API with MVC pattern, this job challenge is for the task for super_pay firm
jsmodule Public
js module using in browser ,Example of writing a browser-compatible modular system with javascript
golang-html-website Public
An example of a basic website building in Go language,js and css files included
Go UpdatedOct 3, 2021 -
dilovel Public
An advanced framework is written in PHP, a framework containing rich components such as middleware, orm, request management, template engine, elasticsearch, template engine, many modern frameworks …
elastic-dumper Public
elasticsearch snapshot import e export bash script
stress-test Public
tests simultaneous stress testing of your website
logstash Public
Forked from elastic/logstashLogstash - transport and process your logs, events, or other data
cli-colorize Public
PHP CLI colorize library, Spice up the terminal texts and backgrounds with PHP. It is especially used in terminal applications.
throttle Public
PHP HTTP rate limit library helps catch extremely unnecessary HTTP requests, allows you to manage a certain number of HTTP requests in a certain time frame
php-dockerize Public
You can create PHP, MySQL, PHPMyAdmin project with docker, start and turn off all services at once with docker-compose.
tzone Public
Forked from evilayet/evilayettzone is a REST API that presents address information for Turkish developers.
turkpos Public
Turkpos PHP virtual pos integration was made more compact and modular by using the virtual payment module Composer...
canvas_game Public
javascript canvas game,The simplest example of how to make a modern game using javascript and canvas was shown, it is a 2d canvas game that shows the basis and algorithm of games such as car racing…
refactoring-guide-in-turkish Public
Forked from alirizaadiyahsi/refactoring-guide-in-turkishTürkçe refactoring kılavuzu
php-redis-supervisor-queue Public
A queue was written using php Redis and super process, an example of how its algorithm should be shown briefly, Queues basically create a big time saving, Adding to the queue for the data to be pro…
PHP UpdatedMay 15, 2019