handlebar helper for printing json colorfully
var handlebars = require('handlebars')
var jsonBeauty = require('handlebars-json-beauty')
//initialize json beauty
//If your own css to be applied => pass second argument as true as below.
//Later You can wirte your own css on hbs template.
//Example json data to be print on html
var jsonData = [{ name: 'Earth', order: 3, stats: { life: true, mass: 5.9736 * Math.pow(10, 24) } },
{ name: 'Saturn', order: 6, stats: { life: null, mass: 568.46 * Math.pow(10, 24) } }];
//pass the json to handlebars compile method as any other varriable
var html = handlebars.compile(template)({
jsonDataToPrint: jsonData
//use 'jsonBeauty' helper like below in hbs template file
{{jsonBeauty jsonDataToPrint}}