proxmox-kubernetes Public
Forked from khanh-ph/proxmox-kubernetesEnables you to create a Kubernetes cluster on Proxmox VE with Terraform & Kubespray in a declarative manner
HCL UpdatedFeb 26, 2024 -
proxmox_hassos_install Public
Forked from whiskerz007/proxmox_hassos_install -
ansible-nas Public
Forked from davestephens/ansible-nasBuild a full-featured home server or NAS replacement with an Ubuntu box and this playbook.
development-environment Public
Forked from gantsign/development-environmentA development environment for Java, Python, Node.js and Go built using Vagrant
ansible_role_antigen Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible_role_antigenAnsible role for installing the Antigen and using it to configure Zsh
ansible_role_backup Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible_role_backupAnsible role for backing up and restoring files and directories
ansible_role_antigen_bundles Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible_role_antigen_bundlesAnsible role for adding bundles to your Antigen configuration for Zsh
ansible-role-apt Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible-role-aptAnsible role for configuring APT
ansible-role-command-line-tools Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible-role-command-line-toolsAnsible role for installing my favourite command line tools
ansible-role-audio Public
Forked from gantsign/ansible-role-audioAnsible role for enabling audio support
ansible-role-nodejs Public
Forked from geerlingguy/ansible-role-nodejsAnsible Role - Node.js
docker.ubuntu Public
Forked from angstwad/docker.ubuntuDocker role for Ansible on Ubuntu 14.04+
ansible-locales Public
Forked from Oefenweb/ansible-localesAnsible role to set up locales in Debian-like systems
deploy-kubernetes-kind Public
Forked from Xtigyro/kindadmGunned for Development a Local One or Multi-Node K8s Cluster
ansible-git Public
Forked from weareinteractive/ansible-gitInstalls git and sets global options
ownphotos Public
Forked from hooram/ownphotosSelf hosted alternative to Google Photos
devboxes Public
Forked from sdorra/devboxesAnsible playbook to setup my development machines and helps to keep them in sync
ansible-environment Public
Forked from weareinteractive/ansible-environmentAnsible role which adds /etc/environment variables
ansible-role-chrome Public
Forked from cmprescott/ansible-role-chromeInstalls Google chrome
1 UpdatedSep 25, 2017 -
GitCover Public
Forked from pfeuffer/GitCoverCaptured in a legacy project with no unit tests? Want to change the course? Now you can measure your test coverage in respect to the changes you have made. At least when you use java and git.