- sequelize-cli installed globally in this project. You can install usually npm install sequelize-cli
- do sequelize seeders to add user with role superadmin. the password is "1234567"
Open http://localhost:4000/api-docs
only superadmin can access this
only member can access this
superadmin, admin, and member can access this
superadmin, admin, and member can access this
only superadmin and his own data can access this
only superadmin and his own data can access this
only superadmin can access this
only superadmin can access this
only superadmin can access this
only superadmin and his own data can access this
only superadmin and his own data can access this
only superadmin and admin can access this
only superadmin and admin can access this
only superadmin and admin can access this
only superadmin and admin can access this
only superadmin and admin can access this