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@niklasf niklasf tagged this 25 May 19:54

* Gaviota: Fix Python based Gaviota tablebase probing when there are multiple
  en passant captures. Thanks @bjoernholzhauer.
* Syzygy: Fix DTZ for some mate in 1 positions. Similarly to the fix from
  v0.23.1 this is mostly cosmetic.
* Syzygy: Fix DTZ off-by-one in some 6 piece antichess positions with moves
  that threaten to force a capture. This is mostly cosmetic.


* Let `uci.Engine.position()` send history of at least 8 moves if available.
  Previously it sent only moves that were relevant for repetition detection.
  This is mostly useful for Lc0. Once performance issues are solved, a future
  version will always send the entire history. Thanks @SashaMN and @Mk-Chan.
* Various documentation fixes and improvements.

New features:

* Added `polyglot.MemoryMappedReader.get(board, default=None)`.
Assets 2