Tags: ding-lab/CharGer
Toggle v0.5.4's commit message
Merge pull request #35 from ding-lab/v0.5.4
Toggle v0.5.3's commit message
Merge pull request #34 from ding-lab/v.0.5.3
Toggle v0.5.2's commit message
bug fix: check custom scoreMap score type to assign value
Toggle v0.5.1's commit message
bug fix to count benign moderate score BMC1
Toggle v0.5.0's commit message
Toggle v0.3.5's commit message
version incremented in executable
Toggle v0.3.4's commit message
fixed PPC2 summary annotation bug. updated very strong score from 6 t…
…o 8.
Toggle v0.3.3's commit message
fixed PVS1 score. fixed annotation module indices. fixed clinical des…
…cription use with try block.
Toggle v0.3.2's commit message
fixed bugs with local VEP, perl used & reference fasta used. included…
… perl option.
Toggle v0.3.1's commit message
bug fixes: get gene list after variants. with vcf set variant disease…
…. attribute spelling error for PSC1 in checks.
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