- Clone the repo
$ git clone https://github.com/ZDfordream/FlutterTianYue.git
$ cd FlutterTianYue
$ flutter packages get
- Running:
$ flutter run
$ 提示:如果出现build失败,再执行一次
- 动漫:仿腾讯动漫m站,嵌套滑动
- 加载状态视图
- flutter 与 native 双向通信
- 启屏页-轮播图
- 下拉刷新-上拉加载更多
- AndroidView嵌入原生视图
- 仿抖音视频播放
- 其他flutter常见效果,此项目都有
库 | 功能 |
dio | 网络框架 |
shared_preferences | 本地数据缓存 |
fluttertoast | toast |
device_info | 设备信息 |
iconfont | 字库图标 |
share | 系统分享 |
flutter_webview_plugin | 全屏的webview |
video_player | 视频播放 |
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Contributors provide an express grant of patent rights.
Licensed works, modifications, and larger works may be distributed under different terms and without source code.